Archaeological sequence diagrams and Bayesian chronological models
Thomas S. Dye
, Caitlin E. Buck
University of Hawai'i at M
anoa, 735 Bishop St., Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Shefeld, UK
article info
Article history:
Received 13 November 2014
Received in revised form
9 August 2015
Accepted 10 August 2015
Available online 12 August 2015
Sequence diagram
Directed graph
Bayesian radiocarbon calibration
This paper develops directed graph representations for a class of archaeological sequence diagrams, such
as the Harris Matrix, that do not include information on duration. These stratigraphic directed graphs
differ from previous software implementations of the Harris Matrix, which employ a mix of directed
graph and other data structures and algorithms. A chronological directed graph to represent the re-
lationships in a Bayesian chronological model that correspond to the possibilities inherent in a sequence
diagram, and an algorithm to map a stratigraphic directed graph to a chronological directed graph are
proposed and illustrated with an example. These results are intended to be a proof of concept for the
design of a front-end for Bayesian calibration software that is based directly on the archaeological
stratigrapher's identication of contexts, observations of stratigraphic relationships, inferences con-
cerning parts of once-whole contexts, and selection of materials for radiocarbon dating.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Advances in the methods and practice of radiocarbon dating in
archaeology, sometimes characterized as revolutionary (Bayliss,
2009; Taylor, 1995; Linick et al., 1989), have worked generally to
increase the precision of age estimates for archaeological events. A
recent phase of this radiocarbon revolution has as its focus Bayesian
calibration (Buck et al., 1996), which highlights the role of strati-
graphic interpretation in the development of radiocarbon-based
site chronologies. A key innovation of Bayesian calibration is its
ability to integrate ancillary sources of chronological information
with the information returned by the radiocarbon dating labora-
tory. In a typical archaeological application having to do with site
chronology, records of the stratigraphic relationships of deposits
and interfaces are a primary source of this ancillary information.
Common sense indicates that a site chronology based on the
dates and the archaeology is bound to be more reliable than one
that relies only on one or the other (Bayliss, 2009, 127). The
improvement yielded by Bayesian calibration has been demon-
strated, perhaps most convincingly for the early Neolithic period of
Southern Britain and Ireland where time-scales with resolutions
that approach a human generation have been achieved (Bayliss
et al., 2011). At Çatalh
oyük, a Neolithic village in Anatolia, a basic
goal of the Bayesian calibration is to provide calendar date esti-
mates for the construction, use, and disuse of the excavated
buildings, in order to infer a structural narrative between buildings
that are not stratigraphically related (Bayliss et al., 2014, 69). Given
that a typical house at Çatalh
oyük was constructed, used, and dis-
used over a period on the order of 60e145 years (Bayliss et al., 2014,
89), the ambitious goal of identifying contemporary houses from
spatially separate parts of the site without the aid of dendrochro-
nology (Towner, 2002) would have been wildly unrealistic prior to
the development of AMS dating and Bayesian calibration.
The data requirements to achieve high precision estimates are
sufciently stringent that often specialists are sought to select
samples for radiocarbon dating. The specialist works with a list of
potential dating samples and a model of relative chronological re-
lations yielded by stratigraphy, sometimes in the form of a
sequence diagram such as the Harris Matrix (Harris, 1989) but more
often in the form of prole drawings and excavation notes, to
develop a chronological model that maximizes the value of the
calibration results for interpretation. In effect, the specialist trans-
forms one relative chronological model into another, moving from
the stratigrapher's model expressed in terms of units of stratica-
tion, or contexts (Carver, 2005, 107), into the statistician's model
expressed in terms of formal algebraic relationships between
chronological phases.
This paper describes a transformation algorithm based on the
theory of directed graphs that takes as its input a suitably struc-
tured sequence diagram and information on potential dating
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T.S. Dye).
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Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e 93
samples to produce a chronological model for use in Bayesian
calibration. To demonstrate its utility in automating the creation of
Bayesian chronological models, we apply the algorithm to Buildings
1 and 5 in the North Area at Çatalh
oyük (Cessford, 2007d, c, b, a).
This example represents a relatively rare situation where a detailed
sequence diagram is published (Bayliss et al., 2014, Fig. 3.17) and
dating specialists have carried out several Bayesian calibrations
(Cessford et al., 2005; Bayliss et al., 2014).
2. Computing the sequence diagram
In archaeology, the term sequence diagram refers to a family of
graphic displays designed to represent stratigraphic relationships
(Carver, 2009, 276). Perhaps the most widely used sequence dia-
gram is produced by the Harris Matrix, which is described by its
creator as a method by which the order of the deposition of the
layers and the creation of feature interfaces through the course of
time on an archaeological site can be diagrammatically expressed
in very simple terms (Harris, 1989, 34). This focus on the order of
deposition to the exclusion of other attributes distinguishes the
Harris Matrix from sequence diagrams which augment the order of
deposition with information about duration (Dalland, 1984; Carver,
1979), and it is this sense in which sequence diagram is used here.
Since the transformation algorithm we propose is based on the
theory of directed graphs, the sequence diagram used as input must
be capable of representation as a directed acyclic graph, or DAG,
which can be manipulated programatically. A DAG conceptualizes
the stratigraphic structure of an archaeological sequence as chro-
nological relationships on a set of depositional and interfacial
contexts. A directed graph consists of one or more of a nite set of
nodes and zero or more connections between ordered pairs of
distinct nodes, each of which denes an arc (Harary et al., 1965). In
the case of archaeological stratigraphy, an archaeological context is
represented as a node and a stratigraphic relationship between two
contexts is represented by an arc.
Available Harris Matrix software packages are closed-source and
do not permit programmatic access to the DAG representation, so it
proved necessary to develop the open-source software package, hm,
to achieve this goal (provided as supplementary material).
Although computer programmers quickly recognized that the
sequence of observed stratigraphic relationships at the heart of the
sequence diagram can be represented as a DAG (Ryan, 1988;
Herzog, 1993; Herzog and Scollar, 1991), the display conventions
of the Harris Matrix are tied to the layout of paper forms developed
in the 1970s (Harris, 1989, 34) and these conventions introduce
complexities that can not be represented by a DAG. Thus, the hm
software abandons certain display conventions of the Harris Matrix
in order to preserve a pure DAG representation of the sequence
The following sections compare and contrast DAG and Harris
Matrix representations of the sequence diagram and present the
data inputs to the hm software as tables that dene entities in a
relational database (Fig. 1). The rst three sections consider the
relationships between contexts recognized by the Harris Matrixdi)
no direct stratigraphic relationship, or context identity, ii) an
observed relationship of superposition, and iii) parts of a once-
whole contextdin turn, as steps in the construction of a
sequence diagram. This is followed by a consideration of periods
and phases, which are conceptually similar interpretive constructs.
2.1. Identication of contexts
Archaeologists commonly identify
ve types of context: de-
posits, horizontal feature interfaces, vertical feature interfaces,
upstanding layer interfaces, and horizontal layer interfaces. The
Harris Matrix was designed, in part, to ensure that all of the con-
texts identied at a site are included in the sequence (Roskams,
2001, 157) and to replace the previous archaeological practice of
recording contexts and their relationships with section drawings,
which typically take in only some small fraction of the contexts
identied at a site (Bibby, 1993, 108).
In practice, the archaeologist working with a printed Harris
Matrix sheet draws up a list of identied depositional and feature
interface contexts, then writes each context identier in a rectan-
gular box on the grid. Contexts close to one another in space are
placed in rectangular boxes close to one another on the grid and the
vertical position is chosen to reect the context's position in the
stratigraphic sequence, with surcial contexts placed near the top
of the diagram and basal contexts placed near the bottom. At this
stage the Harris Matrix consists of rectangular boxes with context
identiers within them, and the rectangular boxes are not yet
connected to one another (Fig. 2, center).
By convention, horizontal layer interfaces are not represented in
the Harris Matrix because they are considered to have the same
stratigraphic relationships as the deposits and are recorded as an
integral part of the layers (Harris, 1989, 54). This practice appears
to be deeply ingrained in the archaeological community, but it is
problematic from the point of view of relative chronology (Clark,
2000, 103). Treating the layer interface as an integral part of the
depositional context beneath it ignores the possibility that it rep-
resents a unit of time, either because the surface it represents was
deated by erosion, exposing old deposits, or because the surface
itself was open for some time. The failure to record layer interfaces
potentially introduces hiatuses into the chronological model. A
hiatus-free sequence diagram (and thus the associated directed
graph) exhibits a particular structure with alternating interfacial
and depositional contexts. In contrast, conventional stratigraphic
practice places deposits in a relationship of direct superposition
across unrecorded layer interfaces. Of course, archaeologists who
use the Harris Matrix recognize the unrecorded layer interfaces and
these are brought back into the analysis at a later stage, when pe-
riods are identied (Harris, 1989, Fig. 25). It is at this late analytic
stage that the denition of a period boundary as an interface and its
specication in the Harris Matrix as a mix of interfaces and deposits
is reconciled (Harris, 1989,67e68).
Because the representation of a directed graph is not con-
strained by the conventions of the Harris Matrix, the shapes of
nodes can express the fundamental distinction between deposi-
tional and interfacial contexts. The convention adopted here uses a
rectangular box, similar to the symbol used in a Harris Matrix,
when unit-type is set to deposit and a trapezium when unit-
type is set to interface
(Fig. 2, right).
2.2. Observed stratigraphic relationships
The next step in construction of the sequence diagram is to
indicate observed stratigraphic relationships. In practice, the
stratigrapher records observed relationships in a two-column table,
where one column contains the identiers of the younger contexts
that assume a superior position in the observed stratigraphic
relationship and the other column contains the identi ers of the
older contexts that assume an inferior position in the observed
stratigraphic relationship (Fig. 1). For each row of the table, the
stratigrapher identies on the sequence diagram the rectangular
box that represents the younger context and searches below it for
the rectangular box that represents the older context. An orthog-
onal line is then drawn from the bottom of the rectangular box
representing the younger context to the top of the rectangular box
representing the older context (Fig. 3, center).
The directed graph uses the same table of observed stratigraphic
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e93 85
relationships that the stratigrapher uses to draw the Harris Matrix.
It is easy to see that each row of table (Fig. 3, left) represents an
ordered pair of nodes, which in the theory of directed graphs de-
nes an arc. The ordering is given by the stratigraphic relationship
of the nodes; the younger context is by convention designated the
start node of the arc and the older context the end node. It is
customary to represent the arcs in a directed graph as arrows, with
an arrowhead at the end of each arc to indicate direction. However,
the Harris Matrix convention that uses a plain line and indicates
direction by vertical position, such that a younger context appears
above an older context with which it shares a stratigraphic
relationship, is appreciated by archaeologists who see in it the
physical relationship of the contexts when viewed in section. Thus,
the directed graphs presented here adopt this convention and draw
arcs as lines rather than arrows (Fig. 3, right).
At this stage in its construction, the Harris Matrix is a partial
order, or poset (Orton, 1980, 67). The stratigraphic relationships
that it records are irreexive, because an archaeological context
cannot be stratigraphically superior or inferior to itself, asymmet-
rical because a context that is stratigraphically superior to another
context cannot be stratigraphically inferior to it, and transitive
because, given three contexts, 1, 2, and 3,if1 is stratigraphically
superior to 2, and 2 is stratigraphically superior to 3, then 1 is
stratigraphically superior to 3.
2.3. Parts of once-whole contexts
In the Harris Matrix, pairs of contexts inferred to have been part
of a once-whole context are connected with two horizontal lines to
indicate this relationship (Fig. 4, bottom left). The information
needed for this step is a table with two columns, where each row
represents an inference that the two contexts in it are parts of a
once-whole context (Fig. 1). Parts of a once-whole context describe
a symmetrical relation that is transitive; this type of relation is
outside the theory of directed graphs. Parts of a once-whole context
can be treated in two ways by a directed graph. In the rst, the
directed graph is used to model only observations of stratigraphic
relationships; inferred parts of a once-whole context can be plotted
at the same vertical level of the sequence diagram, but stratigraphic
relationships implied by the inference of once-wholeness are not
taken into account (Fig. 4, top right). In the second, the inference of
once-wholeness is assumed to be true and parts of a once-whole
context are treated as a single context (Fig. 4, bottom right). Thus,
the Harris Matrix displays in a single sequence diagram observa-
tions of stratigraphic relationships and inferences about parts of
once-whole contexts; two directed graphs are required to show the
same information.
2.4. Stratigraphic periods and phases
The terms period and phase are de
ned variously and
Fig. 1. Relational database design for the seven tables of information used to construct stratigraphic and chronological directed graphs. Note that table names are uppercase, column
names are lowercase, and divided entries dene the domain of the column whose name is directly above, e.g., the unit-type column in the context table contains one of the two
values deposit and interface.
Fig. 2. Initial stage in construction of a sequence diagram consisting of an interface,
context 1, and a deposit, context 2: left,ave-column context table that records in-
formation about contexts (see Fig. 1); center, Harris Matrix; right, directed graph.
Fig. 3. The sequence diagram after stratigraphic relationships are indicated with
vertical lines: left, a two-column observation table that records the stratigraphic
relationship between contexts 1 and 2 (see Fig. 1); center, a Harris Matrix showing a
younger interface, context 1, overlying an older deposit, context 2; right, a directed
graph showing a younger interface, context 1, overlying an older deposit, context 2.
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e9386
sometimes interchangeably by archaeologists. For the Harris Ma-
trix, a phase groups contexts of similar age, and a period groups
phases of similar age, yielding a nested series of time intervals
(Harris, 1989, 158). Dened in this way, both phases and periods are
interpretive constructs that are typically formulated with both
stratigraphic and non-stratigraphic information. Because phase is
also used to describe Bayesian chronological models, here we use
the term stratigraphic phase to refer to a group of contexts, and
the term chronological phase to refer to a time period in a
chronological model.
Alternative ways to represent periods and stratigraphic phases
can be illustrated using a stratigraphic prole drawing developed
by Harris (1989, Fig. 12a) and adapted here (Fig. 5). The Harris
Matrix displays periods and stratigraphic phases in the same way,
by horizontal lines drawn across the diagram (Fig. 6, left). In
contrast, the directed graph convention displays periods and
stratigraphic phases by altering the graphic attributes of nodes
(Fig. 6, right).
3. Structure of a Bayesian chronological model
The chronological model now widely used in Bayesian chro-
nology construction comprises entities different than those of an
archaeological sequence diagram. The basic entity of a sequence
diagram is a stratigraphic context; a Bayesian chronological model
comprises directly-dated events and the start and end dates of one
or more chronological phases. The start and end dates of a chro-
nological phase typically map directly to an archaeological context,
and so in this paper we will assume that no additional information
is needed to represent them beyond that which is available from
the stratigraphic directed graph.
Within software such as hm, it is convenient to capture the in-
formation about dated events in two tables. An event table as-
sociates a directly-dated archaeological event with its
archaeological context (Fig. 1) and indicates whether the event is
directly associated with the context, is older than the context and
thus disjunct, or is younger than the context and thus disparate
(Dean, 1978). An event order table records information on the
relative ages of archaeological events associated with the same
context (Fig. 1).
One difference between a Bayesian chronological model and an
archaeological sequence diagram is that the Bayesian chronological
model may include relationships that cannot be expressed by
stratigraphy. An illustration recognizes three possible relationships
between two chronological phases where one is older than the
other (Fig. 7). Only two of these relationships can be represented
One chronological phase can be older than the other such that
the end date for the older chronological phase is older than the
start date for the younger chronological phase (Fig. 7, left). This
relationship, where a time interval separates two chronological
phases, arises in archaeological stratigraphy when two contexts
are found on the same line of a (possibly multi-linear) sequence
but are separated by one or more contexts. This relationship is
relatively common in practical Bayesian chronological models.
Contexts that lack dating material are typically ignored in a
Bayesian chronological model.
One chronological phase can be older than the other such that
the end date for the older chronological phase is the same age as
the start date for the younger chronological phase (Fig. 7, mid-
dle). This abutting relationship describes the relationship of
superposition that archaeologists typically observe in the eld.
One chronological phase can be older than the other such that
the end date for the older chronological phase is younger than
the start date for the younger chronological phase (Fig. 7, right).
This overlapping relationship cannot be determined solely on
stratigraphic grounds because the two contexts must be from
different lines of a multi-linear stratigraphic sequence. Other
information, perhaps having to do with the content of the
contexts, is required to posit this kind of relationship (Triggs,
Another difference between a Bayesian chronological model and
an archaeological sequence diagram is that the archaeological
sequence diagram is concerned only with relationships between
archaeological contexts, but the chronological model includes re-
lationships among a variety of different entities, including early
phase boundaries, late phase boundaries, and dated events. In
addition, the notation for recording relationships between phase
boundaries must distinguish between phase boundaries that share
the same calendar age and phase boundaries that are separated in
time. For example, depositional context i, within which a single
event, e, was identied and dated might be represented by the
chronological model as a
> q
> b
, where a
and b
are the start and
end dates, respectively, of chronological phase i, q
represents the
calendar age of event e, and > means is older than. Alternatively,
this simple chronological model can be represented as a directed
Fig. 4. Three graphical representations of parts of a once-whole context: top left, two-
column once-whole table recording the inference that contexts 2 and 3 are parts of a
once-whole context (see Fig. 1); bottom left, the Harris Matrix connects contexts 2 and
3 with two horizontal lines; top right, a directed graph representation of the observed
relationships of superposition places contexts 2 and 3 at the same level, but does not
make explicit the inferred stratigraphic relationship between contexts 1 and 3; bottom
right, a directed graph representation of the sequence diagram where the inferred
relationship between contexts 2 and 3 as parts of a once-whole context is assumed to
be true and the contexts have been merged and labeled 2 ¼ 3.
Fig. 5. Illustrative stratigraphic prole drawing. Adapted from Harris (1989, Fig. 12a).
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e93 87
graph (Fig. 8, left), where vertical position represents relative age,
similar to the convention used in directed graphs of archaeological
4. Mapping a sequence diagram to a chronological model
Given a directed graph of a hiatus-free archaeological sequence
from which transitive relationships have been removed, it is
possible to construct a Bayesian chronological model by combining
the relative chronological information in the directed graph of the
archaeological sequence diagram with the potentially dated events.
Recall that a directed graph consists of a nite set of nodes and a
collection of ordered pairs of distinct nodes, the connection be-
tween any pair of which is called an arc. Two nodes connected by an
arc are said to be adjacent; the start node of the arc is adjacent to the
end node, and the end node is adjacent from the start node. The
outdegree of a node is the number of nodes adjacent from it, and the
indegree of the node is the number of nodes adjacent to it. A walk in
a directed graph is an alternating sequence of nodes and arcs, and a
path is a walk in which all nodes are distinct. If there is a path from
node u to node v, then node v is reachable from node u. The directed
graph concept of reachability can be used to determine whether
two contexts are on the same line of a possibly multilinear
sequence diagram. If, for two archaeological contexts, x and y, x is
reachable from y or y is reachable from x, then x and y are on the
same line of the sequence diagram. Conversely, if x is not reachable
from y and y is not reachable from x , then x and y are on different
lines of a multi-linear sequence diagram.
For two archaeological contexts, x and y, on the same line of an
hiatus-free sequence diagram such that y is reachable from x, the
directed graph concept of adjacency can be used to distinguish an
abutting chronological relationship, where x is adjacent to y, from a
separated relationship, where x is not adjacent to y
. These re-
lationships are illustrated in Fig. 9, which categorizes contexts ac-
cording to their chronological relationship to Context 4 using a
directed graph that includes contexts and their observed strati-
graphic relationships (Fig. 9, center) and one that augments this
Fig. 6. Hypothetical phasing of an example sequence developed by Harris (see Fig. 5): left, the Harris Matrix representation, after Harris (1989, Fig. 12c); right, directed graph
representation with nodes shaded to indicate phases.
Fig. 7. Schematic representation of three possible relationships between older and
younger chronological phases: left, chronological phases 1 and 2 separated, b
> a
middle, chronological phases 1 and 2 abutting, b
¼ a
; right, chronological phases 1
and 2 overlapping, b
< a
. Adapted from Buck et al. (1996, Fig. 9.8).
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e9388
information with inferences about once-whole contexts (Fig. 9,
right). These graphs indicate that directed graph representations of
an archaeological sequence contain the information needed to
construct a Bayesian chronological model.
The maximal chronological directed graph is obtained by adding
to the stratigraphic directed graph extra nodes and arcs to repre-
sent the information in the event table and the event order table.
Since the number of contexts with potentially dated events is
Fig. 8. Entities and relationships of Bayesian chronological models represented as directed graphs: left, a chronological phase with a single dated event; middle, relationship
between boundary parameters of separated chronological phases; right, relationship between boundary parameters of abutting chronological phases.
Fig. 9. A hiatus-free sequence diagram with contexts shaded according to their chronological relationship to Context 4: left, the stratigraphic prole after Harris (1989, Fig. 12), with
layer interfaces numbered 10e18 (cf. Fig. 5); center, a directed graph representation of the sequence diagram depicting observed relationships of superposition; right, a directed
graph representation of the sequence diagram in which inferences of once-whole contexts are assumed to be true.
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e93 89
typically much smaller than the number of undated ones, however,
an algorithmic version of this approach would not closely mirror
what those constructing Bayesian models do at present. A six step
algorithm can, however, be used to construct the minimal chro-
nological directed graph (and hence chronological model) from the
directed graph of the archaeological sequence and the two tables of
potentially dated event information, as follows.
Suppose the set of all contexts in our stratigraphic directed
graph is C and that the subset of those with potentially dated events
is D. The number of elements in D, #D, is typically much smaller
than the number in C since relatively few contexts from the exca-
vation contain potentially dated nds. The set of potentially dated
events (i.e. events in the event table) is then E with individual el-
; e
; /; e
, where E ¼ #E . Each member of E was
excavated from a context and so is associated with one and only one
member of D ¼
; d
; /; d
, where D ¼ #D.
1. For each member of D, d
, add two nodes to the chronological
directed graph, one for the early boundary date, a
, and the
other for the late boundary date, b
2. For each member, e
,ofE add one node, q
, to the chronological
directed graph to represent its absolute date.
3. For each row in the event order table add an arc from the
younger node to the older node.
4. For each row, j ¼ 1; 2; /; E, of the event table (associated with
archaeological context d
and event with absolute date q
a) if the indegree of q
is 0 (and association is not equal to
disjunct) add an arc from a
to q
and assign it a value of 0;
b) if the outdegree of q
is 0 (and association is not equal to
disparate) add an arc from q
to b
and assign it a value of
5. For each pair ðd
; d
Þ of archaeological contexts in the event
a) if d
is reachable from d
in the directed graph of the
archaeological sequence, add an arc from b
to a
in the
chronological directed graph;
b) if context d
is adjacent to context d
in the directed graph of
the archaeological sequence, assign the arc from b
to a
the chronological directed graph a value of 1, else assign it a
value of 2;
c) If context d
is reachable from context d
in the directed
graph of the archaeological sequence, add an arc from b
in the chronological directed graph;
d) if context d
is adjacent to context d
in the directed graph of
the archaeological sequence, assign the arc from b
to a
the chronological directed graph a value of 1, else assign it a
value of 2.
6. Perform transitive reduction.
5. Discussion
At present, it appears to be the case that no archaeologists build
their chronological models using formal algorithms. Instead they
apply their expert judgment, selecting features from the strati-
graphic record to include in the model on whatever basis they
choose and justify their decisions in prose in the resulting publi-
cation. Such an approach may well lead archaeologists to learn all
they wish to from the chronological evidence available, but it
would be hard to demonstrate that and few authors at present even
discuss the impact of their choice of chronological model on the
results obtained.
An example where the authors do discuss the impact of model
choice is the work undertaken to establish the chronology of
Buildings 1 and 5 in the North Area excavations at Çatalh
(Cessford et al., 2005; Bayliss et al., 2014). The initial work was
exploratory in nature, with one goal to determine which types of
material and/or context provide good dating evidence (Cessford
et al., 2005, 84). The reliability of each dated sample was ranked
as low where there is a direct stratigraphic relationship between
determinations that contradicts the relationship between the ages
of the two determinations (Cessford et al., 2005, 76), high where
the sample comes from a consistently dated stratigraphic
sequence (Cessford et al., 2005, 76) or where it is short lived
material from a context with a low probability of residuality
(Cessford et al., 2005, 76), or medium otherwise (Supplementary
Material Table S1). Where possible, contradictions were resolved
with reference to four of the ve age determinations from Context
in Building 1, a deliberately-placed deposit of lentils which
represents a single year's harvest of a short-lived species that was
purposefully burnt (Cessford et al., 2005, 86). Context 1332þ has a
direct stratigraphic relationship with all of the contexts excavated
from Building 5, which underlies Building 1, but its age relative to
most of the contexts from Building 1 cannot be determined (Fig. 10).
Since the full sequence diagram for Buildings 1 and 5 is too large
to reproduce here and given its pivotal role in the interpretation of
the chronology of both buildings, we focus our illustration on
Context 1332þ and those closest to it stratigraphically. However,
the full sequence diagram and the chronological models derived via
our algorithm are provided in the Supplementary Material.
A directed graph representation of the chronological model
implied by the exploratory analysis accepts the assumption that
each dated sample is associated with the context from which it was
collected (Fig. 11). The chronological model indicates that none of
the related contexts superior to Context 1332þ in Building 1 were
dated. Of the six dated contexts that are stratigraphically related to
Context 1332þ, ve are from Building 1 and one, Context 3810þ,is
from Building 5. Thus, potential contradictions could be worked out
with direct reference to the lentil deposit for a small subset of the
dated contexts.
Carrying through the exploratory approach, Cessford et al.
rejected the age determination for one of the lentils, q
inconsistent with the other four age determinations on lentils from
Context 1332þ, q
, q
, q
, and q
. Two dates on animal bone, q
from Context 1295aþ and q
from Context 1456, were assigned
medium reliability because they were older than botanical material
from the same deposits and the four lentils (Cessford et al., 2005,
88). As can be seen in Supplementary Material Figure S1, these
comparisons with the lentils are not based on stratigraphic re-
lationships; Contexts 1295aþ and 1456 are not reachable from
Context 1332þ and their relative ages cannot be determined on
stratigraphic grounds. Instead, the comparison appears to be made
on the basis of the division of the site into phases (Cessford et al.,
2005, 65), and thus on inferences rather than direct observations.
Similarly, six dates on human bone were considered to be in
agreement with the stratigraphic sequence and the determinations
from the lentils (Cessford et al., 2005, 87), however ve of these
dates, q
, have no stratigraphic relationship to the lentils, and
these comparisons also appear to be a result of phasing. One age
determination, q
from Context 2519, is stratigraphically inferior
to the lentils and so directly comparable.
Subsequently, dates on human bone and antler processed at the
It was frequently the case that a single context was assigned two or more eld
numbers. These eld numbers were carried through the analysis and appear on the
published Harris matrix for the excavation (Bayliss et al., 2014, Figure 3.17). The
convention adopted here typically uses the rst eld number assigned to a context
and indicates multiple eld numbers for a single context by appending a þ to the
eld number.
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e9390
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit between 2000 and 2002 were
shown to be incorrect due to a technical problem. When re-dated,
the bone and antler samples from Çatalh
oyük, including the six
dates on human bone, were determined to be 50e150 BP younger
than the original measurements (Bayliss et al., 2014, 79). In
particular, q
, which replaced q
from Context 2529, strati-
graphically inferior to the lentils, returned a date younger than the
four lentils, but older than the lentil that was previously rejected.
Fig. 10. A portion of the sequence diagram for Buildings 1 and 5 of the North Area excavations at Çatalh
oyük showing Context 1332þ in Building 1, adjacent and reachable contexts
whose ages relative to Context 1332þ are known, and unreachable contexts whose ages relative to Context 1332þ can not be determined stratigraphically. Note that the majority of
the contexts shown on the diagram are deposits and that interfacial contexts are comparatively rare. The full sequence diagram, of which this is a part, is available as Supplementary
Material Figure S1.
Fig. 11. Representation of the dated lentils from Context 1332þ on a chronological model for determining which types of material and/or context provide good dating evidence
using the dated samples reported by Cessford et al. (2005, Table 4.10) and the sequence diagram for the North Area excavations (Fig. 10). The full chronological model is available as
Supplementary Material Figure S2.
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e93 91
Accordingly, the four lentils previously determined to represent the
true age of the lentil deposits were interpreted as residual, and the
lentil previously believed to be a statistical outlier was accepted as
dating the true age of the deposit. This circumstance, and a
comprehensive reevaluation of the suitability of the dated sample
materials based largely on experience gained subsequent to the
original exploratory dating project (Bayliss et al., 2014,81e88),
resulted in a different chronological model, one in which a large
proportion of the dated samples are termini post quem for the end
date of the context from which they were collected but have no
relationship to the start date (Fig. 12). These dangling
's graph-
ically illustrate the substantial challenges posed by residuality for
the ambitious dating project at Çatalh
6. Conclusions
Directed acyclic graphs are already in widespread use in a
number of disciplines in which, for reasons of practicality or logic, a
collection of tasks or ideas must be ordered into a sequence. Many
well established algorithms now exist for performing inference on
ideas that are represented as DAGs including, for example, the
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms now so widely used
in Bayesian inference in general and in Bayesian chronological
modelling in particular.
Like many other statistical models, Bayesian chronological
models are hierarchical in nature, with calendar ages of individual
samples, linked sequentially to those for contexts, phases, struc-
tures, and so on. Such models have for many years been repre-
sented as DAGs both in publications (Parent and Rivot, 2013; King
et al., 2010) and in software tools. Of the latter, the general pur-
pose Bayesian inference environment known as WinBUGS (Lunn
et al., 2000) e one of the rst to become widely used e allows
users the choice to dene their model via a DAG from which the
software generates the Bayesian model automatically.
One natural future use of the construction of chronological
directed graphs from stratigraphic ones would thus be as a front-
end to Bayesian chronological modelling software. Users could
then develop a plethora of chronological directed graphs (based on
automated algorithms, expert judgment, or both), estimate the
parameters of the resulting models given real or simulated data,
compare the resulting chronologies and even conduct formal
model choice to establish which model best ts the currently
available data.
Prototype software for creating and illustrating both strati-
graphic and chronological directed graphs was developed to carry
out the analyses in this paper.
The software establishes that the
conversion from archaeological sequence diagram to a Bayesian
chronological model can be made entirely rule-based and thus
relatively straightforward. However, if others wish to benet from
these developments, and particularly if the automated generation
of chronological directed graphs from stratigraphic ones is seen as
benecial, then more work is needed. The next phase of this project
will thus involve close collaboration with those who code Bayesian
chronological modeling software with a view to providing a
directed graph front-end that will offer a more intuitive way for
archaeologists to build chronological models than such software
offers at present and, ultimately, allow systematic exploration of
the impact of different models on the chronological inferences
The authors thank Alex Bayliss for suggesting the example of
oyük Buildings 1 and 5 and for providing guidance during our
analysis; Craig Cessford for clarifying conventions used in the
representation of the Harris Matrix for Buildings 1 and 5 at Çata-
oyük; Julian Richards, Keith May, and Kieron Niven for advice on
data standards and assistance searching the ADS archives; Eric
Schulte for the graph.lisp library and for patient help during
development of the hm software; and two anonymous reviewers for
recommending that the paper include a real-world example. Any
errors are the authors'.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary material related to this article can be found at
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