samples to produce a chronological model for use in Bayesian
calibration. To demonstrate its utility in automating the creation of
Bayesian chronological models, we apply the algorithm to Buildings
1 and 5 in the North Area at Çatalh
oyük (Cessford, 2007d, c, b, a).
This example represents a relatively rare situation where a detailed
sequence diagram is published (Bayliss et al., 2014, Fig. 3.17) and
dating specialists have carried out several Bayesian calibrations
(Cessford et al., 2005; Bayliss et al., 2014).
2. Computing the sequence diagram
In archaeology, the term sequence diagram refers to a family of
graphic displays designed to represent stratigraphic relationships
(Carver, 2009, 276). Perhaps the most widely used sequence dia-
gram is produced by the Harris Matrix, which is described by its
creator as a method by which the order of the deposition of the
layers and the creation of feature interfaces through the course of
time on an archaeological site can be diagrammatically expressed
in very simple terms (Harris, 1989, 34). This focus on the order of
deposition to the exclusion of other attributes distinguishes the
Harris Matrix from sequence diagrams which augment the order of
deposition with information about duration (Dalland, 1984; Carver,
1979), and it is this sense in which sequence diagram is used here.
Since the transformation algorithm we propose is based on the
theory of directed graphs, the sequence diagram used as input must
be capable of representation as a directed acyclic graph, or DAG,
which can be manipulated programatically. A DAG conceptualizes
the stratigraphic structure of an archaeological sequence as chro-
nological relationships on a set of depositional and interfacial
contexts. A directed graph consists of one or more of a finite set of
nodes and zero or more connections between ordered pairs of
distinct nodes, each of which defines an arc (Harary et al., 1965). In
the case of archaeological stratigraphy, an archaeological context is
represented as a node and a stratigraphic relationship between two
contexts is represented by an arc.
Available Harris Matrix software packages are closed-source and
do not permit programmatic access to the DAG representation, so it
proved necessary to develop the open-source software package, hm,
to achieve this goal (provided as supplementary material).
Although computer programmers quickly recognized that the
sequence of observed stratigraphic relationships at the heart of the
sequence diagram can be represented as a DAG (Ryan, 1988;
Herzog, 1993; Herzog and Scollar, 1991), the display conventions
of the Harris Matrix are tied to the layout of paper forms developed
in the 1970s (Harris, 1989, 34) and these conventions introduce
complexities that can not be represented by a DAG. Thus, the hm
software abandons certain display conventions of the Harris Matrix
in order to preserve a pure DAG representation of the sequence
The following sections compare and contrast DAG and Harris
Matrix representations of the sequence diagram and present the
data inputs to the hm software as tables that define entities in a
relational database (Fig. 1). The first three sections consider the
relationships between contexts recognized by the Harris Matrixdi)
no direct stratigraphic relationship, or context identity, ii) an
observed relationship of superposition, and iii) parts of a once-
whole contextdin turn, as steps in the construction of a
sequence diagram. This is followed by a consideration of periods
and phases, which are conceptually similar interpretive constructs.
2.1. Identification of contexts
Archaeologists commonly identify fi
ve types of context: de-
posits, horizontal feature interfaces, vertical feature interfaces,
upstanding layer interfaces, and horizontal layer interfaces. The
Harris Matrix was designed, in part, to ensure that all of the con-
texts identified at a site are included in the sequence (Roskams,
2001, 157) and to replace the previous archaeological practice of
recording contexts and their relationships with section drawings,
which typically take in only some small fraction of the contexts
identified at a site (Bibby, 1993, 108).
In practice, the archaeologist working with a printed Harris
Matrix sheet draws up a list of identified depositional and feature
interface contexts, then writes each context identifier in a rectan-
gular box on the grid. Contexts close to one another in space are
placed in rectangular boxes close to one another on the grid and the
vertical position is chosen to reflect the context's position in the
stratigraphic sequence, with surfi cial contexts placed near the top
of the diagram and basal contexts placed near the bottom. At this
stage the Harris Matrix consists of rectangular boxes with context
identifiers within them, and the rectangular boxes are not yet
connected to one another (Fig. 2, center).
By convention, horizontal layer interfaces are not represented in
the Harris Matrix because they are considered to have “the same
stratigraphic relationships as the deposits and are recorded as an
integral part of the layers” (Harris, 1989, 54). This practice appears
to be deeply ingrained in the archaeological community, but it is
problematic from the point of view of relative chronology (Clark,
2000, 103). Treating the layer interface as an integral part of the
depositional context beneath it ignores the possibility that it rep-
resents a unit of time, either because the surface it represents was
deflated by erosion, exposing old deposits, or because the surface
itself was open for some time. The failure to record layer interfaces
potentially introduces hiatuses into the chronological model. A
hiatus-free sequence diagram (and thus the associated directed
graph) exhibits a particular structure with alternating interfacial
and depositional contexts. In contrast, conventional stratigraphic
practice places deposits in a relationship of direct superposition
across unrecorded layer interfaces. Of course, archaeologists who
use the Harris Matrix recognize the unrecorded layer interfaces and
these are brought back into the analysis at a later stage, when pe-
riods are identified (Harris, 1989, Fig. 25). It is at this late analytic
stage that the definition of a period boundary as an interface and its
specification in the Harris Matrix as a mix of interfaces and deposits
is reconciled (Harris, 1989,67e68).
Because the representation of a directed graph is not con-
strained by the conventions of the Harris Matrix, the shapes of
nodes can express the fundamental distinction between deposi-
tional and interfacial contexts. The convention adopted here uses a
rectangular box, similar to the symbol used in a Harris Matrix,
when unit-type is set to deposit and a trapezium when unit-
type is set to interface
(Fig. 2, right).
2.2. Observed stratigraphic relationships
The next step in construction of the sequence diagram is to
indicate observed stratigraphic relationships. In practice, the
stratigrapher records observed relationships in a two-column table,
where one column contains the identifiers of the younger contexts
that assume a superior position in the observed stratigraphic
relationship and the other column contains the identi fiers of the
older contexts that assume an inferior position in the observed
stratigraphic relationship (Fig. 1). For each row of the table, the
stratigrapher identifies on the sequence diagram the rectangular
box that represents the younger context and searches below it for
the rectangular box that represents the older context. An orthog-
onal line is then drawn from the bottom of the rectangular box
representing the younger context to the top of the rectangular box
representing the older context (Fig. 3, center).
The directed graph uses the same table of observed stratigraphic
T.S. Dye, C.E. Buck / Journal of Archaeological Science 63 (2015) 84e93 85