8 The SAA Archaeological Record • September 2017
n archaeology, we are accustomed to investing great effort
into collecting data from fieldwork, museum collections,
and other sources, followed by detailed description, rigorous
analysis, and in many cases ending with publication of our find-
ings in short, highly concentrated reports or journal articles.
Very often, these publications are all that is visible of this
lengthy process, and even then, most of our journal articles are
only accessible to scholars at institutions paying subscription
fees to the journal publishers. While this traditional model of
the archaeological research process has long been effective at
generating new knowledge about our past, it is increasingly at
odds with current norms of practice in other sciences. Often
described as “open science,” these new norms include data
stewardship instead of data ownership, transparency in the
analysis process instead of secrecy, and public involvement
instead of exclusion. While the concept of open science is not
new in archaeology (e.g., see Lake 2012 and other papers in that
volume), a less transparent model often prevails, unfortunately.
We believe that there is much to be gained, both for individual
researchers and for the discipline, from broader application of
open science practices. In this article, we very briefly describe
these practices and their benefits to researchers. We introduce
the Society for American Archaeology’s Open Science Interest
Group (OSIG) as a community to help archaeologists engage in
and benefit from open science practices, and describe how it
will facilitate the adoption of open science in archaeology.
What Is Open Science?
Openness in science is significant in that it both defines the ori-
gins of modern science and imagines the future of science
(Fecher and Friesike 2014). In their review of discussions of
open science, Fecher and Friesike identified five themes: infra-
structure (i.e., creating tools and services to improve research
efficiency), the public (i.e., making science accessible for non-
scientists), measurement (i.e., developing alternative metrics to
measure the impact of research), democracy (i.e., making
knowledge freely accessible to all), and pragmatics (i.e., making
collaborative research more efficient). The broader public bene-
fits of advancing open science have been widely discussed
(OECD 2015), and we will not expand on those here. Instead, we
take a researcher-centric approach, drawing on our experience
as practicing archaeologists to focus on specific examples of
openness that can offer maximum benefit for researchers. From
this perspective, we have identified three elements of open sci-
ence that cross-cut Fecher and Friesike’s themes: open access,
open data, and open methods.
Open Access
Open access typically refers to permanent online access to the full
text of scholarly work, especially publications, without charge to
readers or libraries. There are many ways to accomplish this: for
example, Gold Open Accessrefers to the author paying a fee for
publication (typically referred to as an article processing charge,
or APC). The fee is intended to defray the cost of publication that
the publisher would recoup through institutional subscriptions.
These APCs can be quite expensive, however, and often deter
researchers from granting access to their publication. This partic-
ularly affects researchers in developing countries, authors from
traditionally underrepresented groups, early-career researchers,
and those in disciplines, such as archaeology, where article sub-
vention fees are not commonly awarded in research grants
(although some journals offer waivers). An alternative approach,
Ben Marwick, Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, C. Michael Barton, Lynsey A. Bates, Michael
Baxter, Andrew Bevan, Elizabeth A. Bollwerk, R. Kyle Bocinsky, Tom Brughmans, Alison K. Carter, Cyler
Conrad, Daniel A. Contreras, Stefano Costa, Enrico R. Crema, Adrianne Daggett, Benjamin Davies, B.
Lee Drake, Thomas S. Dye, Phoebe France, Richard Fullagar, Domenico Giusti, Shawn Graham,
Matthew D. Harris, John Hawks, Sebastian Heath, Damien Huffer, Eric C. Kansa, Sarah Whitcher
Kansa, Mark E. Madsen, Jennifer Melcher, Joan Negre, Fraser D. Neiman, Rachel Opitz, David C.
Orton, Paulina Przystupa, Maria Raviele, Julien Riel-Salvatore, Philip Riris, Iza Romanowska, Jolene
Smith, Néhémie Strupler, Isaac I. Ullah, Hannah G. Van Vlack, Nathaniel
VanValkenburgh, Ethan C. Watrall, Chris Webster, Joshua Wells, Judith Winters, and Colin D. Wren
Ben Marwick (bmarwick@uw.edu) is an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington, Seattle, and a senior research
scientist in the Centre for Archaeological Science at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
September 2017 The SAA Archaeological Record
referred to as “Green Open Access,” is for authors to make their
manuscripts freely available online as preprints prior to journal
publication (Figure 1). An advantage of Green Open Access is that
it is free for authors to submit and free for readers to access (the
preprint of this paper containing additional citations is online at
Notable examples of disciplinary-oriented preprint repositories
are arXiv.org, a repository for physics, mathematics, computer
science, astronomy, and related papers, and bioarXiv.org for bio-
medical and life sciences. In fact, some biology funding sources
require preprints to be deposited prior to publication. Preprint
repositories commonly used by archaeologists include
socarxiv.org and papers.ssrn.com, both of which specialize in
the social sciences. We note that academia.edu and research-
gate.net are popular for sharing articles online; however, these
are private, for-profit companies that do not own the rights to
host most of their content (and so are vulnerable to legal action)
and require registration to access. These should not be consid-
ered substitutes for a preprint repository. Most research-inten-
sive universities have their own open access repositories to
enable their researchers to disseminate their work as preprints.
Many journals allow researchers to post preprints of their pub-
lished articles, giving researchers a wider choice of journals in
which to publish (compared to the small number of Gold Open
Access journals), while still enabling open access. The individ-
ual policies of specific journals can be checked online at the
SHERPA/RoMEO database (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/
index.php). Open access publications benefit researchers
because they typically achieve increased impact by being cited
more frequently and receiving more media coverage (see
McKiernan et al. 2016 for a summary of empirical work on this
topic). Researchers may also benefit from their publications
being easily accessible to prospective students and nonacademic
collaborators, such as local and indigenous communities.
Open Data
Open data means open access to datasets. Data can take many
forms; here we refer to items such as a spreadsheet of artifact
measurements or a GIS layer of site locations and attributes—
the information used to make the summary tables and plots that
typically appear in reports and publications. Traditionally,
archaeologists have viewed datasets as their proprietary prod-
ucts, and having paid a high up-front cost to collect the data, they
hope to recover that cost through publications based on exclusive
access to those data. In many fields, this data-ownership mindset
is viewed as obsolete and has been replaced by the idea of data
stewardship (Hampton et al. 2015). Data stewardship advocates
that researchers collect and share data on behalf of the scientific
community and society, rather than for their individual career
ambitions. These norms can be seen in the policies of funding
Figure 1. Preprints and the typical cycle of scholarly journal article publication. Typically, manuscripts are submitted to a preprint repository at the same time
they are submitted to a journal for peer review or after they have been accepted for publication (but before proofs are prepared). The preprint can be updated by
the author, with versions tracked by the repository. The submitted version and the author’s accepted manuscript are owned by the author, so these can be posted
to a preprint repository without copyright infringement. After the author signs the copyright transfer agreement, the versions of the paper produced by the pub-
lisher are not owned by the author. For example, the proofs and published version are owned by the publisher, so in most cases the author is not legally permit-
ted to make these publicly available in preprint repositories or elsewhere (e.g., academia.edu and researchgate.net).
10 The SAA Archaeological Record • September 2017
agencies (e.g., Wellcome Trust, Bill and Melinda Gates Founda-
tion, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National
Science Foundation) and journals (e.g., PLOS, Evolution, Scien-
tific Data, and Royal Society journals) that require researchers to
share their data with other investigators by depositing the data in
a public repository. Substantial technology and infrastructure
has appeared to accommodate the data availability requirements
of these funding agencies and journals.
A comprehensive list of repositories (many of which are free to
use) for various fields is available at www.nature.com/sdata/
policies/repositories. Examples of repositories specifically for
archaeological data include opencontext.org, tdar.org, and
archaeologydataservice.ac.uk, among others. The attributes of
trustworthy data repositories include having an explicit mission
to provide access to and preserve data, offering appropriate
licenses covering data access and use (e.g. CC-0), having a con-
tinuity plan to ensure ongoing access and preservation of its
holdings, guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of the data
(e.g., by using version control), and enabling users to discover
the data and refer to them in a persistent way through proper
citation (e.g., with a DataCite DOI). Using a trustworthy data
repository is important for ensuring ongoing availability of data
because direct requests to researchers for their privately held
data often fail (Vines et al. 2014).
Providing open access to data is more challenging than opening
access to publications because of the potential for harm to peo-
ple and cultural heritage that can result from misuse of the data
or the release of sensitive information (such as personally iden-
tifiable data or detailed site locations). Opening data also
requires consideration of intellectual property ownership, espe-
cially for archaeologists working in large teams, in commercial
and government sectors, and/or with indigenous/descendant
communities. Many of these ethical issues can be addressed by
negotiation, legal instruments (such as Creative Commons
licenses), or technical solutions; for example, redacting portions
of data, limiting spatial precision (an approach used success-
fully in projects such as the Digital Index of North American
Archaeology), restricting access, or imposing embargos. Of
course, researchers must be vigilant in comprehensively
addressing any negative impacts prior to opening their data to
public access. Nevertheless, our experience is that for most
archaeologists it will not be burdensome to share the minimal
data behind the tables and figures in their journal articles, or
even the more detailed original and unaggregated records.
Indeed, many archaeologists already do this routinely via sup-
plementary online material for their journal articles. Similar to
open access, there are citation advantages and an increase in the
impact of their work for researchers who share the data behind
their publications (see McKiernan et al. 2016 for discussion of
the empirical research). There are also benefits to other archae-
ologists from opening access to data. For example, researchers
can find their past research data more easily when it is publicly
available at a reputable repository, and in our experience with
our own research, data is likely to be better documented and
easier to reuse when it is prepared for public access.
Open Methods
Open methods are methods of data collection, analysis, and visu-
alization that are available for inspection and reuse by the public.
This approach can include empirical methods (e.g., the details of
chemicals used to prepare samples) and computational and sta-
tistical methods (e.g., the details of taking raw data and produc-
ing statistical tests, models, and visualizations). Open methods
are important for improving the reproducibility of research; that
is, the ability to redo a study, with the same materials and meth-
ods, and get the same result, which is a cornerstone of science
(Stodden et al. 2016). This is because the complexity of most cur-
rent research, especially computational and statistical methods,
means that a typical journal article is too short to communicate
enough details to enable reproducibility. Open methods have
emerged in other fields in response to highly publicized failures
to reproduce the results of notable studies in biomedicine, psy-
chology, genomics, political science, and economics.
This has resulted in extensive discussion of how to improve
reproducibility across many fields (e.g., Goodman et al. 2016;
Munafò et al. 2017; Sandve et al. 2013; Stodden and Miguez
2014; Stodden et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2014), including archae-
ology (Marwick 2016). These discussions have converged on a
few frequently recommended practices (Figure 2), including
using a transparent software environment that enables repro-
ducibility (such as R or Python; Figure 3) to analyze data rather
than software whose analytical algorithms are proprietary black
boxes (e.g., Excel, SPSS, PAST); using a version control system
that can efficiently track and log changes and simplify collabora-
tion (such as Git, similar to “track changesin Microsoft Word,
or “revision history” in Google Docs); using open-source licenses
to make the code maximally available for reuse while ensuring
recognition of effort (such as Apache, MIT, or GPL licenses); and
archiving these methods at trustworthy repositories where they
are freely accessible (e.g., R or Python script files deposited at
osf.io, zenodo.org, or figshare.com). These recommendations
simplify the task of making our scientific workflows available at
the time of publication, and so streamline the task of making the
methods available for public inspection and reuse.
How Is Open Science Relevant to Archaeologists?
These three practices—open access, open data, and open meth-
ods—are relevant to three of the goals of the Society for Ameri-
can Archaeology (SAA).
September 2017 The SAA Archaeological Record
First, the SAA “advances archaeological research and dissemi-
nates archaeological knowledge.” Open science practices sup-
port this goal by encouraging archaeologists to conduct research
that is transparent, reusable, and easily accessible (open data
and open methods) without financial or copyright barriers
(open access). The Open Science Interest Group (OSIG) will
help to educate archaeologists about options for using software
that enables reproducibility, generating scripted workflows,
using environments for version control and collaborative analy-
sis, making data and preprints available through public reposi-
tories, and publishing research in open access journals.
Second, the SAA “improves the practice of archaeology and
promotes archaeological ethics. Open science practices
improve archaeology by increasing transparency and repro-
ducibility in archaeological research. This approach enables
archaeologists to more readily and responsibly build on the
work of their colleagues, advancing archaeological practice and
accelerating discovery. Transparency and reproducibility also
enhance the credibility of archaeological research by allowing
more complete independent assessment of research findings
than is possible with traditional peer review of only research
results. Open science practices promote ethical research by
enabling researchers to efficiently demonstrate the chain of
reasoning behind their data analysis and expose more of their
research workflow to the research community and the public.
The OSIG will help to educate archaeologists on how to
improve their research, and the field of archaeology more
broadly, with open science tools and methods.
Third, the SAA “serves as a bond among archaeologists world-
wide in all segments of the archaeological community.” Commu-
nity best practices for open science in archaeology facilitate the
sharing of methods, data, and results by encouraging researchers
to deposit them in trustworthy online repositories. Standardizing
research-sharing practices enhances engagement between archae -
ologists, our collaborators, and the communities we work with,
including policymakers and project managers. Open science
practices promote inclusiveness because they remove financial,
institutional, and other barriers from researchers engaging with
each other, and with methods and data.
In addition to advancing the goals of the SAA, the OSIG will
help archaeology contribute to the open science movement that
has become part of normal scientific practice in many fields. For
example, members of the Ecological Society of America, the
European Geosciences Union, and the Organization for Human
Brain Mapping have organized open science sections to help
researchers benefit from openness. Similarly, formal open sci-
ence policies have been developed by the Association for Psy-
Figure 2. The reproducible research spectrum. Reproducibility is not a binary quality but a spectrum (Peng 2011). Scientific articles that contain only the final
text, results, and figures (e.g., in a single pdf document) are advertising a finding, and these are the least reproducible—it is often impossible to reconstruct the
whole analytical process from data to results. Publication of the data and/or code used for the analysis greatly improves reproducibility. Similarly, using a ver-
sion control system (such as Git) permits navigating through the complete history of the project. Finally, the most reproducible, and thus scientific, studies are
those using dynamic reports (e.g., R Markdown notebooks) that integrate text, code, and data into an executable environment.
12 The SAA Archaeological Record • September 2017
chological Science, and the American Heart Association. Some
scholarly journals and conferences require submissions to be
subjected to reproducibility reviews before they are accepted for
publication (e.g., Association for Computing Machinery’s Spe-
cial Interest Group on Management of Data, American Journal of
Political Science, Quarterly Journal of Political Science). Many
journals require data to be openly accessible as a condition of
publication, and some journals reward authors for following
open access practices (e.g., Biostatistics, Psychological Science). In
archaeology we have a small number of similar initiatives, such
as the open badges policy at Internet Archaeology, to certify when
open practices were followed by the authors of a journal article,
and the Journal of Open Archaeology Data, which publishes
descriptions of datasets hosted on trusted repositories.
What Is the Open Science Interest Group Doing?
What Can You Do?
The mission of the OSIG is twofold: (1) advance transparency and
accessibility in the ways archaeologists and institutions manage
data, methods, and research outputs; and (2) share information
with individuals and institutions on how to develop open prac-
tices that enable reproducible research. We will endeavor to fulfil
this mission through our individual research practices and
through activities as an SAA interest group. As researchers, we
will strive to make our research more reproducible, and to influ-
ence others to do the same through the following practices:
Generating and making accessible explicit or scripted, repro-
ducible workflows for our data analysis. To the extent possi-
ble, we will employ transparent and accessible analytical
tools and software (such as R, Python, and other program-
ming languages) so that our research can be easily evaluated
by others (Marwick 2016).
Requesting data and code when we review manuscripts, and
when in editorial positions, advocating for data and code
review as a part of standard peer review practices at a journal
(Stodden et al. 2013).
Including—and following through on—comprehensive data
management plans in all research designs.
Figure 3. A screenshot from the RStudio program showing how R can be used for reproducible research. In the left panel is a text editor, where we write plain
text and code in an R Markdown file (known as an Rmd file). In the right panel is the output that is produced when the Rmd file is “knit,” or rendered, into a
document. In this example, the Rmd has been knitted to produce an HTML file, but we could also produce a pdf or Microsoft Word document from the same
Rmd file. The first paragraph of the text in the example demonstrates how to use markdown for basic text formatting (e.g., a heading, a URL, bold and italic
text). The second paragraph shows how R code can be embedded in-line in the text. The rendering process automatically runs the code and inserts the result in
the text; here, it computes the number of rows in the cars” dataset and inserts the result (50) in the rendered document. The text in the gray region on the left
is a chunk of R code that produces the plot in the HTML file on the right. We use echo=FALSE in the code chunk to specify that the code chunk is not displayed
in the HTML file; we see only the plot that the code generates. This method of writing text and code in the same document enhances reproducibility because the
methods of data analysis (i.e., the R code) are explicitly included in the same document as the text, and the code can be easily and repeatedly run to generate
results. This removes the need to copy and paste tables and plots from other software into the text, eliminating transcription errors and confusion about where a
particular result came from.
September 2017 The SAA Archaeological Record
Teaching our students and mentees to work reproducibly
and openly (Marwick 2016).
Archiving our papers or preprints in open access reposito-
ies (McKiernan et al. 2016).
Archiving our research data and code in trustworthy reposi-
tories and citing these archives in our published work using
DOIs (McKiernan et al. 2016).
These actions align with recent recommendations for increas-
ing openness and reproducibility in science generally (Miguel et
al. 2014; Nosek et al. 2015; Stodden et al. 2016). We recognize
that there are different degrees and dimensions of openness
that are available to researchers, depending on their circum-
stances and skills. Thus, not all of us can take these actions all
the time, but through the aggregate of our individual actions we
can improve archaeological research practice toward the norms
of open science.
As an SAA interest group, we have identified two initial activi-
ties relevant to our mission. Our first activity is to incentivize
open practices by issuing Center for Open Science (COS)
badges for Open Data and Open Materials (osf.io/tvyxz) for dis-
play on qualifying posters and slide presentations at the SAA
Annual Meeting and other professional venues. These badges
are used in many disciplines and have been shown to increase
data sharing (Kidwell et al. 2016). We also will work with the
SAA Publications Committee and other archaeological journals
to explore how COS badges can be applied to journal articles.
The second activity is to conduct workshops using Software Car-
pentry (software-carpentry.org/) and Data Carpentry (datacar-
pentry.org) pedagogy and materials. These workshops aim to
train researchers to use open science tools so that they can work
more efficiently, reproducibly, and openly. We will offer these
workshops in-person at SAA meetings, online via the SAA webi-
nar series, and elsewhere. We will also host and sponsor tradi-
tional SAA meeting events to foster the exchange of ideas and
community interaction, as well as collaborate with related com-
munities such as the Digital Data Interest Group and Public
Archaeology Interest Group.
We invite all archaeologists to join us in becoming more respon-
sible researchers by following the individual best practices for
open science listed above to the benefit of all members of the
archaeological community, other scientists, and the public more
broadly. To support open, transparent, and reproducible science in
archaeology as a member of the SAA Open Science Interest Group,
please subscribe to our e-mail list at https://groups.google.com/
group/saa-osig/subscribe for updates. The OSIG website
(osf.io/2dfhz) contains further information about the group,
resources, and details of news and updates.
In this article we have briefly surveyed the goals and best prac-
tices of current open science initiatives and identified specific
practices that have been shown to benefit individual researchers,
s well as science more broadly. These are (1) increasing open
access publication by depositing preprints; (2) accompanying
published articles with open datasets deposited in trustworthy
repositories; and (3) creating and making available transparent
and reproducible scientific workflows, including relevant code,
along with published research. We have outlined how these prac-
tices are relevant to archaeologists and how they advance the
goals of the Society for American Archaeology. In addition, we
have described some of the activities of the SAA Open Science
Interest Group and explained how they will help to make open
science more a part of normal archaeological practice.
We recognize that many archaeologists may be unfamiliar with
open science practices, and could initially imagine that incorpo-
rating these practices into their normal work might entail addi-
tional investment of time, effort, and other resources. While
depositing preprints can be a quick and simple action, learning a
new program for data analysis requires considerably more effort
(although our experience has been that learning an open source
program like R or GRASS is little or no more difficult than ini-
tially learning any other complex software like SPSS or ArcGIS).
To address this, the OSIG plans to offer training workshops to
speed the adoption of open methods. These workshops will ini-
tially include the open-source statistical programming language
R, the version control system Git, and the use of data repositories.
In the long run, we believe that use of scripted workflows in envi-
ronments like R and Python actually improves researcher effi-
ciency considerably, while using open-source software
significantly reduces licensing costs. Similarly, some archaeolo-
gists may fear the limitations to publication potential that could
result from others using their open data and code, the possibility
that their materials may be used without citation, and the risk that
competitors may gain an advantage. Our view is that these risks
have always been present in the traditional research practices of
scholarly communication and peer review, and that open science
licensing and citation practices effectively mitigate them. More-
over, because sharing of data and code enables and encourages
collaborative research, more open science practices can even
increase the potential for new research (and publications) with
extant data—an important benefit to junior researchers in partic-
ular. Overall, we believe any costs for the practice of open science
are well worth the many substantial benefits it brings to archae-
ologists and the archaeological community.
Thanks to Tobi Brimsek for her advice on the initial steps of
organizing this group. Ben Marwick conceived and wrote the
14 The SAA Archaeological Record • September 2017
paper and figures; the other authors (listed in alphabetical
order) edited the text and supported and endorsed the formation
of the OSIG. A version of this document containing extensive
citations, hyperlinked text, and marginal discussions among the
authors is online at http://bit.ly/OSIG-SAAAR.
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