this putative earlier settlement is likely to be located
somewhere inland, probably on the volcanic soils that
supported gardens in traditional Hawaiian times. Whether
cultural deposits associated with this putative early
settlement still exist is a question for future research.
≥ θ
≥ φ
Finally, development of an explicit chronological model
relating regional archaeological events to one another and
set out in inequalities (1–6) means that anyone can replicate
he estimate and explore how different parameters of the
odel affect it. It is not possible to do this in a precise way
with an approach that is not strictly model-based. Changes
in chronological estimates for sites on the Waimānalo Plain
will most likely result from new dates on short-lived
materials from secure stratigraphic contexts both on the
Waimānalo Plain and beyond. Excavation of deposits at the
coastal fringe of Site 50–80–11–4856, for instance, might
help clarify the processes responsible for deposition of
charcoal in this active and variable environment at the fringe
of traditional Hawaiian settlement on the Waimānalo Plain.
And certainly, any change in the estimated settlement date
of the Hawaiian Islands would have a direct effect on the
estimate of the interval between this event and
establishment of O18. If the change in the estimated
settlement date were sufficiently large, it might even have
an effect on the estimate of when O18 was established.
Special thanks to Valerie Curtis for her commitment to this
project and her confidence that it would yield interesting
results. Dave Tuggle and Matthew Spriggs offered valuable
criticism that sharpened the argument considerably. Caitlin
Buck offered perceptive advice on Bayesian modeling.
Kristin Macak drafted the site map, which was prepared for
publication by Eric Komori. Dan Davison and Eric Schulte
both provided guidance on the use of Org-babel, a software
environment that integrates thinking, analysis, and writing
that greatly facilitated production of the paper.
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