Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying and exchange in Hawai'i
Jeffrey L. Putzi
, Nathaniel J. DiVito
, Carl E. Sholin
, Peter R. Mills
, Steven Lundblad
Bobby Camara
Scientic Consulting Services, Inc., 1347 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 408, Honolulu, HI 96814, United States
T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc., 735 Bishop St., Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813, United States
Department of Anthropology, Arntzen 315, Western Washington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA 98225, United States
Department of Anthropology, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, 200 Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720, United States
Department of Geology, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, 200 Kawili St., Hilo, HI 96720, United States
P.O. Box 485, Volcano, HI 96785, United States
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 18 October 2014
Received in revised form 21 February 2015
Accepted 15 March 2015
Available online 28 March 2015
Common pooled resource
Volcanic glass
Social complexity
138 volcanic glass artifacts recovered from Site 50101930173 at Ka'ūpūlehu, Hawai'i Island were sourced to
Pu'uwa'awa'a using EDXRF. Site 50101930173 is a beach sand deposit with volcanic glass and other tradition-
al Hawaiian artifacts that was sealed by an AD 18001801 lava ow. The proportion of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic
glass in the assemblage is consistent with a cost surface model proposed recently. It is shown that the fall off
in Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass is exponential for the cost surface for Hawai'i Island, as it is for two alternative dis-
tance decay models, which also yield good ts to the volcanic glass data. A straight line distance overland model
provides an easy way to generate predictions. A depot model, where Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass is brought to
Kahuwai Bay at Ka'ūpūlehu and distributed by canoe, ts the existing data somewhat better than the two over-
land transport models. It has been argued on the basis of distributional data and technological analyses that
Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass was a common pooled resource. The analysis presented here supports this idea by
noting the lack of evidence for directional trade in the residuals of the t to the exponential curve. Recommen-
dations for future research are offered.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
At the time of Western contact in AD 17 78, traditional Hawaiian
society was among the most highly stratied and complex in Polynesia
(Sahlins, 1958; Goldman, 1970; Kirch, 2010; Hommon, 2013). Compar-
ison of Contact-era Hawaiian social organization with other Polynesian
archipelagos indicates that, at some point in its history, Hawai'i
underwent a transformation that ruptured the genealogical connection
between elite ali'i and common maka'āinana (Sahlins, 1992; Hommon,
1976, 1986). One spatial expression of this process was the establish-
ment of ahupua'a land divisions where communities of maka'āinana
were managed by an appointed ofcial of the state government
known as a konohiki (Hommon, 1976, 1986). A typical ahupua'a con-
tains the full range of re sources needed for subsistence and, at the
time of European contact, functioned as a unit for the payment of trib-
ute in kind and labor to a multi-tiered hierarchy of elite ali'i.These
circumstances have led to a characterization of ahupua'a that highlights
the managemen t role of konohiki as collectors of tribute in isolated
and sel f-sustained c ommunities (e.g., Hommon, 2013; Kirch, 2010).
However, within this br oad characterization of the Contact-era
ahupua'a there remains many questions potentially addressed by ar-
chaeological information. How deeply did this Hawaiian social transfor-
mation affect the lives of maka'āinana? Were tribute production and
konohiki management a central part of maka'āinana life? Or, did they re-
quire maka'āinana to make relatively minor adjustments to a social life
with deep roots in the past?
An important contribution to the study of these questions was made
recently by McCoy et al. (2011), who modeled the distribution of volca-
nic glass from the Pu'uwa'awa'a source as overland transport across a
cost surface and investigated technological attributes of the transported
glass to argue that there was unfettered access (McCoy et al., 2011,
2547) to Pu'uwa'awa'a. In this view, Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass was a
common-pooled resource that was exchanged amon g maka'āinana
free of control by ali'i.Thisnding contrasts with a preliminary, small-
scale investigation of adze rock distrib ution that posits ali'i control
over access to this material that becomes a source of economic power
(Kirch et al., 2012
). According to McCoy et al. (2011), it is possible to dis-
cover a mix of maka'āinana behaviors responsible for the distribution of
Pu'uwa'awa'a vol canic glass, including direct acces s for people who
lived close to the source, down-the-line exchange to a distance of a sin-
gle day's travel overland, and direct access from more distant locations,
perhaps involving transport of volcanic glass by canoe.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Corresponding author at: 735 Bishop St., Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813, United States.
E-mail address: (T.S. Dye).
JASREP-00054; No of Pages 12
2352-409X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
This paper reports a new collection of volcanic glass recovered from
Site 50101930173 located close to the Pu'uwa'awa'a source (Fig. 1)
and attempts to build upon and strengthen the analysis carried out by
McCoy et al. (2011). It does this by suggesting certain renements to
the technological analysis, by proposing alternative distribution routes
to the overland cost surface, and by showing that the three component
model, with separate components for varying distances from the source,
can be replaced with a single distance decay model based on an expo-
nential function. Exponential models have a strong theoretical and
empirical foundation in geography (e.g., Haggett et al., 1977; Taylor,
1971) and their utility in the archaeological situation was established
many years ago (Hodder, 1974; Renfrew, 1975, 1977). It is argued that
systematic deviations from an exponential model indicative of direc-
tional trade are absent in the distribution of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic
glass and that this provides strong support for the hypothesis of unfet-
tered access. Finally, differences in the chaînes opératoire of volcanic
glass and adze rock from the Mauna Kea quarry are briey noted and
the exponential model is recommended for investigating the distribu-
tion of adze rock so that a direct comparison with the distribution of vol-
canic glass can be achieved.
2. Description of Site 50101930173
Site 50101930173 was discovered during archaeological moni-
toring at the Kona Village Resort for a project to repair facilities dam-
aged during the tsunami of March 11, 2011. Current building codes
require utilities be placed underground; at the resort this entailed exca-
vating a trench with a hoe ram through low portions of a lava ow. Al-
though a large-scale geologic map of lava ows on Hawai'i Island (Wolfe
and Morris, 1996)showsa1500yearoldpāhoehoe ow here and most
of the interface between this older ow and an AD 18001801 'a'ā ow
that partially overlies it has been obscured by development of the resort,
inspection of sections exposed by the hoe ram conrms that this lava is
a pāhoehoe member of the 18001801 ow and not part of the older
pāhoehoe ow. Lava extended beneath the water table in most excava-
tions, but at the inland end of the resort, about 400 m from the shore-
line, the hoe ram exposed a calcareous coarse sand beach deposit that
had been covered by the AD 18001801 lava
ow (Fig. 2).
Close insp ection of the trench face revealed unusual stratication
within the beach deposit beneath the lava ow (Fig. 3). The basic stra-
tigraphy consisted of four coarse calcareous sand layers, Contexts
104107, underlying the AD 18001801 lava ow, which was designat-
ed Context 103 (Fig. 4). Context 104, immediately beneath the lava ow
is a pale yellow layer of contact metamorphosed sandstone. Context 105
is a dark gray layer of thermally altered sand that contained a few tradi-
tional Hawaiian artifacts and marine shell whose colors lacked chroma
due to exposure to extreme heat. Context 106 is a light brownish gray
sand with numerous thin dark lenses that might represent organic-
rich deposits carbonized by the lava ow. It contained the bulk of the
traditional Hawaiian artifacts, none of which show any obvious effect
of exposure to extreme heat. Context 107, at the base of excavation, is
culturally-sterile, very pale brown sand.
Also present were very dark grayish brown irregularly-shaped
lense s, two of which, Contexts 116 and 117, are shown on Fig. 4.
These lenses are located at the base of Context 106 and extend into
the basal sand, Context 107. It was not possible to determine whether
these contexts were cultural features or by-products of heat from the
lava ow, perhaps the burned root systems of vegetation. The cultural
content of the lenses was similar to Context 106.
Remnant cultural deposits located in the base of the trench and be-
neath the lava owinthesidesofthetrenchwereexcavatedwithatrow-
el and the excavated sediments were passed through 0.125 in. mesh
screen to facilitate identication and collection of small items of cultural
material. These excavations were made difcult by the degree to which
the hoe ram had disturbed deposits within the trench and safety issues as-
sociated with undermining the lava ow. These challenging conditions
Fig. 1. Project location on a portion of a USGS quadrangle map.
2 J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
and the limited extent of the excavations made it impossible to character-
ize condently the archaeological events responsible for the cultural de-
posits. A general impression based on eld observation of poorly sorted
coarse sand is that the deposits were laid down close to the shoreline,
likely seaward of more substantial cultural deposits along the back beach.
Nevertheless, 166 traditional Hawaiian artifacts were collected and
cataloged during the excavations, including 138 pieces of volcanic
glass, eight pieces of modied mammal bone, ve echinoid spine
abraders, three coral abraders, three basalt abraders, three mammal
bone shhooks, two adzes, two pieces of modied shell, one piece of ba-
salt debitage, and a cowry shell octopus lure (Fig. 5). No historic period
artifacts were recovered from sediments beneath the lava ow.
Charcoal samples collected from Contexts 105, 106, and 116 beneath
the lava ow were identied to the lowest possible taxonomic level by
Gail Murakami of the International Archa eological Research Institute
Wood Identication Laboratory. Thirteen native and Polynesian intro-
duced plants were identied (Table 1). Historically introduced plants
were not identied in the charcoal.
Two pieces of charcoal identied as the Polynesian introductions
kī and kukui were sent to Beta Analytic, Inc. for dating with AMS.
After pre-treatment at the laboratory, the sample of kukui nutshell
was found to be incompletely carbonized; it returned a modern date.
The charcoal identied as kī wood was analyzed as Beta-376428 and
returned a conventional radiocarbon age of 250±30 bp. This age deter-
mination was calibrated with the BCal software (Buck et al., 1999) using
a recent atmospheric calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2013) and a single
phase model with a terminus ante quem of AD 1800, which corresponds
to the known age of the lava ow that sealed the site: α
N θ
N β
Fig. 2. Photograph of the utility trench showing the beach sand deposit capped by the 18001801 lava ow. The scale, which sits on top of the lava ow, is marked in 10 cm increments.
Fig. 3. Photograph of the stratication showing the 18001801 lava ow (top) and the discoloration of the sand due to the heat of the lava ow. The scale is marked in 10 cm increments.
3J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
1800, where α
and β
are the start and end dates of the single phase,
respectively, and θ
represents th e true calendar age of the kī wood
charcoal. The calibrated estimate of θ
indicates that the kī plant grew
for a relatively short time in AD 15301799 (95% probability), probably
at the later end of this range, AD 16401799 (68% probability).
3. Technological analysis of volcanic glass assemblages
The 138 pieces of volcanic glass recovered from the beach sand de-
posit under the lava ow include 132 complete and partial akes and
six pieces of angular debris. No cores were recovere d. There a re 105
complete akes, the distal ends of 23 akes, the proximal ends of two
akes, and two medial sections. Two akes each exhibit two ake
bulbs indicative of bipolar reduction, but the rest have a single bulb of
percussion. Cortex is present on 68 akes, eleven of which have primary
cortex over the entire dorsal surfac e and 57 have secondary cortex
mixed with ake scars. 64 akes have no, or tertiary, cortex. The lengths
of complete akes range from 6 to 31 mm; the median complete ake
length is 15.3 mm. Flakes with secondary cortex tend to be longer
than akes with either primary or tertiary cortex (Fig. 6).
McCoy et al. (2011) carried out technological analyses designed to
investigate the use lives of volcanic glass cores in an effort to identify
down-the-line exchange. They reason that, in the presence of down-
the-line exchange, sites far from the source will yield assemblages of
Fig. 4. Stratigraphic prole of the east face of the utility trench showing identied contexts. Contexts 104107, 116, and 117 represent a sand beach deposit capped by a lava ow, Context
103, in AD 18001801. Context 102 is ll topsoil laid down for resort development; its surface, Context 101, supports various resort facilities today.
Fig. 5. Traditional Hawaiian artifacts recovered from beneath the lava ow: ac, Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass akes; d, e, echinoid spine abraders; f,boneone-pieceshhook fragments; g,
mammal bone manufacturing waste; h, vesicular lava abrader; i,basaltadze;j,boneshhook fragment with barb; k,boneshhook tab; l, cowry shell octopus lure. m,highly-polished
basalt adze fragment. The scale bar is 1 cm.
4 J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
volcanic glass that reect the use of well-used cores as raw material. In
this situation, it is expected that ake size will be small, the frequency of
cortex will be low, and wasted cores will be common.
Based on six assemblages ranging from 7.41 to 18.79 h round trip
duration to and from Pu'uwa'awa'a, they found an exponential rise in
the proportion by weight of wasted cores ( McCoy et al., 2011, 2555).
The absence of cores in the assemblage from Site 50101930173,
which is close r to Pu'uwa'awa'a than any of the ot her assem blages,
generally supports this ndin g. However, there are two concerns.
First, the exponential rise in the proportion by weight of wasted cores
was established with a relatively small number of sites located near
Pu'uwa'awa'a and excludes sites more distant from the source. The as-
semblage from Site 50HaB2120, with a nearly 40-hour round trip
duration, yielded a high proportion of wasted cores, consistent with
the general pattern but less than predicted by the exponential function.
The other assemblage from Sites 50HaB2265 and 84 with a 38.39-
hour round trip duration, yielded an unexpectedly low proportion of
wasted cores, consistent with a round trip travel time less than 11 h.
Perhaps more important, however, most of the variability in the propor-
tion of wasted cores comes from assemblages with 12 or fewer pieces of
volcanic glass (Fig. 7). The small size of these samples might have intro-
duced variability that is not present in the underlying populations of
volcanic glass at these sites.
McCoy et al. (2011, 2555) found that volcanic glass artifacts with
cortex were relatively common at three sites near Pu'uwa'awa'a and
nearly absent at three sites farther than 11 h of round trip travel time.
The relatively high proportion of akes with cortex from Site 5010
1930173, which is close to Pu'uwa'awa'a, lends support to this obser-
vation. However, this pattern breaks down if two more distant sites
are included. If all of the assemblages for which cortex information is
available are plotted, rather than just the close ones, then there appears
to be no association between the proportion of artifa cts with cortex
and round trip duration (Fig. 8). The small sample sizes from several
sites yield a regressio n line with a large s tandard error. The lack of
sites with round trip travel times between 19 and 38 h means the
small assemblages distant from Pu'uwa'awa'a wield undue inuence
on the slope of the regression line. When these distant sites are includ-
ed, no simple relationship between distance from Pu'uwa'awa'a and in-
cidence of cortex is apparent.
Using assemblages from four sites close to Pu'uwa'awa'a, McCoy
et al. (2011, 2556) found a regular decline in the average (presumably
mean) length of akes with distance from Pu'uwa'awa'a. The mean ake
length at Site 50101930173 is somewhat shorter than predicted by
the regression line formula (McCoy et al., 2011, Fig. 9), and this has the
effect of lessening the slope of the regression line. If distant sites are
included, then the slope of the regression line is positive (Fig. 9).
Again, the small number of assemblages, the small sizes of several of
them, and the lack of sites with round trip tra vel times between 19
and 38 h all have an effect on the analysis. In any event, there is
no clear relationship between mean ake length and distance from
Pu'uwa'awa'a. The small number of assemblages and the small sizes of
many of them make condent inferences impossible.
4. Distribution of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass on Hawai'i Island
In hand sample the volcanic glass akes from Site 50101930173
exhibit the dark olive green color indicative of a Pu'uwa'awa'a source.
The volcanic glass pieces were analyzed with EDXRF at the University
of Hawai'i at Hilo (Lundblad et al., 2008, 2011). The elemental composi-
tion of the volcanic glass pieces when compared using trace element ra-
tios of Y, Sr, and Zr indicates that the volcanic glass pieces recovered
from Site 50101930173 all derived from the trachytic Pu'uwa'awa'a
source (Fig. 10).
The distribution of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass away from the
source was rst investigated by McCoy et al. (2011), who computed
with ArcGIS 9.3.1 software cost surface overland routes and round trip
travel times between Pu'uwa'awa'a and 19 archaeological sites with col-
lections of 15489 volcanic glass pieces (McCoy et al., 2011, Table 4)
(Fig. 11). Round trip travel times varied from 7.41 h to 41.23 h. When
the percentage frequency of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass in 15 assem-
blages from sites close to the source was plotted against round trip trav-
el time, a strong linear relationship was found (McCoy et al., 2011,
2553). This linear relationship does a good job of predicting the propor-
tion of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass in the Kona Village assemblage. Four
sites with round trip travel times greater than 22 h were considered
outliers and were excluded from the spatial analysis.
Table 1
Taxa identied from charcoal.
Family Taxon Name Habit Origin
Agavaceae cf. Cordyline fruticosa
Shrub Poly. intro.
Apocynaceae cf. Rauvola sandwicensis hao Tree Native
Asteraceae cf. Bidens sp. ko'oko'olau Shrub Native
Ebenaceae Diospyros sandwicensis lama Tree Native
Euphorbiaceae Aleurites moluccana kukui Tree Poly. intro.
Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce sp. 'akoko Shrubtree Native
Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus hau Shrubtree Native
Myrtaceae Metrosideros polymorpha 'ōhi'a lehua Tree Native
Pandanaceae Pandanus tectorius hala Tree Native
Pittosporaceae cf. Pittosporum sp. hō'awa Tree Native
Rubiaceae Canthium odoratum alahe'e Shrubtree Native
Rubiaceae cf. Coprosma sp. pilo Shrubtree Native
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa 'a'ali'i Shrub-tree Native
Sapindaceae cf. Dodonaea viscosa 'a'ali'i Shrubtree Native
primary secondary tertiary
Length (mm)
Fig. 6. Boxplot of complete volcanic glass ake lengths for different types of cortex.
5J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
The linear relationship between percentage frequency of
Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass and round trip travel time breaks down
when distant sites are included (Fig. 12). It underestimates the propor-
tion of Pu'uwa'awa'a glass close to the source, and overestimates it for
round trips longer than about 15 h. An exponentia l curve, where a
straight line is tted to the relation ship between round trip travel
time and the logarithm of percentage frequency of Pu'uwa'awa'a volca-
nic glass, does a better job, although it too tends to underestimate the
proportion of Pu'uwa'awa'a glass close to the source (Fig. 12). Renfrew
(1977, 78) identied positive residuals close to the source as evidence
of a supply zone, however, Hodder (1974, 182) noted that this pattern
is characteristic of situations where the movement of materials away
from a source result from a random walk process.
Although a cost surface provides an intuitively attractive way to de-
termine effective distances between two points, in practice it relies on
proprietary software that requires considerable training to use properly,
and which is likely to be unavailable to many eld archaeologists. An al-
ternative model that is simpler to use connects the Pu'uwa'awa'a source
to sites with volcanic glass assemblages with straight lines that can be
measured by hand on a US GS quad ma p (Fig. 13). The straight line
model yields an exponential decay curve with distance from the source,
but the t is not as good as the cost surface (Fig. 14).
McCoy et al. (2011, 2547) note the possibility that transport of volca-
nic glass to sites distant from Pu'uwa'awa'a might have been by canoe
rather than overland. Accordingly, a model of volcanic glass distribution
by canoe transport was investigated using a model that posits use of Site
50101930173 at Kahuwai Bay as a depot. Either re sidents of the
village at Kahuwai Bay collected volcanic glass cores from Pu'uwa'awa'a
and brought them to the coast to exchange with canoe travelers from
other parts of Hawai'i Island, or canoe travelers put ashore at Kahuwai
Bay and accessed Pu'uwa'awa'a from there with a hike that took the
better part of a day. Coastal distances from Site 5010193 0173 to
the coastal locations closest to other sites with volcanic glass assem-
blages were derived by measuring the length of coastline with GIS soft-
ware (Fig. 15). An exponential distance decay curve ts this model
better than the two overland transport models, which suggests that
transport of volcanic glass by canoe might have been important for peo-
ple living relatively close to Pu 'uwa'a wa'a, as well as those living far
away (Fig. 16).
5. Discussion
McCoy et al. (2011) concluded that Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass was
a common pooled resource to which there was unfettered access in
traditional Hawaiian times, both through the exercise of a right not to
be excluded from direct access to the source and through down-the-
line exchange of volcanic glass cores outside the purview of ali'i control.
They support this conclusion with a linear regression on the relationship
between the contribution of the Pu'uwa'awa'a source to site assem-
blages of volcanic glass and the site to source round trip travel time as
determined by cost surface analysis using GIS software for a subset of
sites close to Pu'uwa'awa'a. The linear regression calculated on the
Number of volcanic glass pieces
Proportion of assemblage weight
as cores (%)
Fig. 7. The proportion of assemblage weight as cores varies with the size of the assemblage. Note that most of the variability in this measure is introduced by small assemblages.
10 20 30 40
Round trip (hr)
Proportion of assemblage
with cortex (%)
Fig. 8. Proportion of assemblage with cortex as a function of round trip duration from Pu'uwa'awa'a. The regression line was computed using the rlm method of Venables and Ripley
(1994). The shaded area is the 95% condence interval for the regression.
6 J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
untransformed variables ts well for sites located close to Pu'uwa'awa'a,
but it intersects the x-axis at a round trip travel time of about 24 h
McCoy et al. (2011, 2554) and sites with Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass
more distant from the source, where the model predicts Pu'uwa'awa'a
volcanic glass is absent, are excluded from the spatial and technological
analyses as outliers.
McCoy et al. (2011) do not discuss the decision to carry out the re-
gression on untransformed variables, which assumes that the fall-off
in the contribution of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass to site assemblages
is dependent only on change in distance (Renfrew, 1977; Hodder,
1974). Based on numerous empirical studies, archaeologists and geog-
raphers have found that variabi lity in interaction is dependent not
only on dista nce, but also on the transferability and relative value of
the materials being transported (Hodder, 1974; Haggett et al., 1977).
When these other factors are taken into account, the best t to the un-
transformed variables is a curved line that drops rapidly close to the
source and then levels out as distance increases (Haggett et al., 1977;
Renfrew, 1977; Taylor, 1971). The demonstration that the distribution
of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass can be described with an exponential
curve using alternative measures of distance, including s traight line
overland, cost surface overland, and coastal transport from a depot at
Kahuwai Bay, indicates that identication by McCoy et al. (2011) of dis-
tant site outliers is likely an artifact of model selection, rather than a re-
ection of the factors underlying the observed distribution of volcanic
glass. Factors other than distance are also responsible for the distribu-
tion of volcanic glass away from the Pu'uwa'awa'a source.
What are these other factors? Transferability plays a major role with
bulky or heavy items; the canonical archaeological examples are the
distribution of Romano-British roong tiles around Cirencester and sev-
eral vari eties of coarse pottery for which distributional studies have
been co mpleted (Hodder, 1974, 179 182). In contrast, Pu'uwa'awa'a
volcanic glass nodules are small and light; transferability should not
constrain their distribution away from the source. Rather, it seems likely
that the relative value given to Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass in tradition-
al Hawai'i was a factor in its distribution away from the source. Geogra-
phers and others have noted that the value of a material is related to the
shape of the drop-off curve. Materials that are highly valued are used far
from the source and are distributed widely. They yield drop-off curves
with low slopes and long tails . In contrast, low-valued materials are
used near to the source and are not distributed widely. They yield
drop-off curves with high slopes and short tails. The exponential drop-
off of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass indicates that it was highly valued
in traditional Hawai'i.
Because the exponential curve does not intersect the x-axis, there is
no upper bound to the distribution and no way to predict the full size of
the distribution eld. Thus, geographers use the concept of mean eld to
measure and compare the sizes of distribution elds (Haggett et al.,
1977,4850). The mean eld is calculated here as the point along the
exponential curve where the proportional change of distance exceeds
the proportional change in the percentage of Pu'uwa'wa'a volcanic
glass in an assemblage. Calculation of the mean eld indicates that
the value of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass in traditional Hawai'i was
10 20 30 40
Round trip (hr)
Mean length (mm)
Fig. 9. Mean ake length as a function of round trip duration to and from Pu'uwa'awa'a. The linear regression line was computed using the rlm method of Venables and Ripley (1994).The
shaded area is the 95% condence interval for the regression.
0 100 200 300
Sr/Zr * 100
Y/Zr * 100
Mauna Loa
Fig. 10. Trace element ratios of Kona Village volcanic glass artifacts compared to volcanic glass from Pu'uwa'awa'a, Klauea, and Mauna Loa (after Lundblad et al., 2013, Fig. 2).
7J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
such that it was transported regularly to sites within a radius of about
21 h round trip travel time or 46 km straight line overland from
Pu'uwa'awa'a, or a distance of about 63 km along the coast from
Kahuwai Bay. Past the mean eld, a small quantity of Pu'uwa'awa'a vol-
canic glass is expected at sites as far away as 41 h round trip travel time
or 98 km straight line overland from Pu'uwa'awa'a, or 127 km along the
coast. Future work on Hawai'i Island, especially in the windward dis-
tricts of Hamakua, Hilo, and Puna, is likely to expand the range of sites
where Pu'uwa'a wa'a volcanic glass is known to have be en used and
Fitting an exponential curve to the full data set makes it possible
to distinguish the effects of directional trade, in which certain sites
function as centra l places that receive materials directly from the
source, regardless of dista nce, and from which the materials a re
redistributed to nearby sites that don't receive them directly from the
source (Renfrew, 1977,8587). Directional trade is typically associated
with redistribution of materials under the direction of some central con-
trol (Renfrew, 1975, 48). An investigation into the distribution of obsid-
ian within the Maya sphere lends empirical support to the theoretical
expectation that one effect of directional trade is to decrease the tof
Fig. 11. Cost surface overland routes to and from Pu'uwa'awa'a. Adapted from McCoy et al. (2011, g. 6). Note that the routes to and from Kahuwai Bay and Site 50101930173 are not
10 20 30 40
Round trip duration (hr)
Percent Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a glass
Fig. 12. Exponential and straight line ts for the percentage frequency of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass and overland round trip travel times computed with a cost surface model. The ex-
ponential function is I = exp(5.20 0.09*D) and the linear function is I =81.80 1.83*D,whereI = percent Pu'uwa'awa'a glass and D = round trip duration in hours. The value of R
the exponential function is 0.56.
8 J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
an exponential curve to the distributional data (Sidrys, 1977). So far, de-
viations from the exponential curve that might indicate directional
trade are not evident in the Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass data. The distri-
bution of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass appears to have taken place in the
context of traditional social relationships independent of the political
The important observation that Pu'uwa 'awa'a volcanic glass was
not d istributed outside Hawai'i Island (McCoy et al., 2011, 2552)
indicates that Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass wasn't valued so highly that
it was transported to other islands. In this respect, the distribution of
Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass contrasts with Mauna Kea adze basalt,
which has been identied recently from six sites on Maui Island, includ-
ing an elite residence and three religious structures (Kirch et al., 2012),
and perhaps as far aeld as O'ahu Island (Mills and Lundblad, 2014,34).
The distribution of non-local basalt in the Maui Island sites was
interpreted as evidence for directional trade where access to and distri-
bution of these stone resources was controlled by elites (Kirch et al.,
2012, 1060). Given this difference, it is useful to distinguish
the chaînes opératoire fo r volcanic glass and adze rock by comparing
evidence for the organization of production at Pu'uwa'awa'a and
the Mauna Kea adze quarry. The area around Pu'uwa'awa 'a has
been described as barren of t raditional Hawaiian habitation and
Fig. 13. Straight line routes from Pu'uwa'awa'a to archaeological sites with volcanic glass assemblages.
25 50 75 100
Distance (km)
Percent Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a glass
Fig. 14. Exponential distance decay function for the straight line overland model: I = exp(5.10 0.04*D), where I = percent Pu'uwa'awa'a glass and D =distanceinkm.ThevalueofR
the exponential function is 0.53.
9J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
agriculture, and the source of volcanic glass nodules on the north face
of Pu'uwa'awa'a hill lacks a formal quarry (McCoy et al., 2011,
25482549). In contrast, the Mauna Kea adze quarry has a multitude
of shrines; in fact, shrines are the most common type of architectural
feature at the quarry. It has been argued that ritualization of production
at the quarry, including rites of passage sites used to initiate apprentices
into an adze-makers' guild (McCoy, 1999), is strong evidence for adze
makers having been specialists attached to ali'i (McCoy et al., 2010).
These preliminary observations on the differences between the ritu-
alized production and c onsumption of Mauna Kea adze roc k, which
appears to have been exchanged through directional trade, and the
exchange of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass, the raw material for an expe-
dient tool that was exchanged through traditional social relations, are
based on the current state of distributional data (Mills and Lundblad,
2014), which a re decient in several respects, including (i) sample
sizes that are too small to support condent inferences, (ii) patchy spa-
tial coverage with large gaps between some sites and uncertain distri-
butional boundaries, and (iii) an almost complete lack of chronological
The low cost and non-destructive nature of EDXRF and the con-
dence with which the technique is able to identify Pu'uwa'awa'a volca-
nic glass make it possible to model traditional Hawaiian exchange in an
Fig. 15. Coastal routes from Pu'uwa'awa'a with a depot at Kahuwai Bay.
50 100
Distance (km)
Percent Pu‘u Wa‘awa‘a glass
Fig. 16. Exponential distance decay function for the coastal model: I = exp(4.92 0.02*D), where I = percent Pu'uwa'awa'a glass and D = coastal distance in km. The value of R
for the
exponential function is 0.65.
10 J.L. Putzi et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2 (2015) xxxxxx
Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
Science: Reports (2015),
analytically usef ul wa y. However, at this early sta ge of investigation
the small sizes of ma ny volcanic glass collections restricts the infor-
mation they have yielded. Using a ruler and a suitabl e map of Hawai'i
Island, the straight-line method descri bed abov e convenie ntly pro-
duces an expected valu e, p, for the percentage of Pu' uwa'awa'a vol -
canic glass at a site. Given this information, a problem-oriented
excavation strategy can be designed to yield a sample size, n ,that
establishes the observed percentage within a specied precision
using the formula for the standard deviation of a binomial distribu-
,whereq =1 p.
Tec hnological analyses play a potentially important rol e in deter-
yet to be ful lled, in part because relatively few sites have been ana-
lyzed in this way an d sa mple sizes at the sites that ha ve been ana-
lyzed are small. In addition, the technological attributes chosen for
study might be rened. It is recommended that observations of cor-
tex on whole akes distinguish primary, secondary, and tertiary cor-
tex. Using the proporti on of each cortex type at Site 50 10
1930173 as a baseline for a si te with direct access to the source , it
is expected that down-the-line exchange will yield drop off curves
that are s teepest for primary cortex and attest for tertiary cortex.
This pattern should be relatively easy to distinguish from the expect-
ed pattern yielded by direct access, where the wide distribution of
fresh cores should yield drop off curves that are consistent across
cortex types. Alte rnatively, a more labo r intensive method might
be used (Ditcheld et al., 2014).
Equall y pres sing is the need to track change over time (Mills and
Lundblad, 2014, 36). The volcanic glass assemblages analyzed by
McCoy et al. (2011) were collected in the 1960's through the
1980's before Hawaiian archaeologists were able to distinguish suit-
able d ating materials and their ages cannot be estimated wi th con-
dence with the information at hand. Similarly, Lass (1994)
attempted to chart change over time in the distribution of Mauna
Kea basalt with assembla ges that were insecurely dated. In addition,
quarrying activitie s at both sources are difcult to date. The lack of a
formal quarry at Pu'uwa'awa'a depri ves arc haeologists of a site to
date and dates on unidentied charcoal with a potential for in-built
age is the basis for the c hronology of the Mauna Kea adze quarry
(McCoy et al., 2009). Thus, the histori es of the Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic
glass quarry and the Mauna Kea adze quarrywhen they were dis-
covered and how their use and the distribution of their pro ducts
grew and perhaps declinedre main to be investigated with well-
dated assemblages.
6. Conclusions
The exponential fall-off of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass with distance
from source at arch aeological sites on Hawai'i Island indicates a
resource that was highly valued in traditional Hawai'i. The lack of
evidence for directional trade supports th e inference developed by
McCoy et al. (2011) that Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass was a common
pooled resource distributed through traditional social relations outside
the purview of elite control. The distribution of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic
glass contrasts with preliminary indications that Mauna Kea adze rock
was distributed by directi onal trade. The cultural elaboration of adze
production on Mauna Kea contrasts strongly with the lack of evidence
for similar elaboration at Pu'uwa'awa'a.
Alternative models of Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass distribution
cannot distinguish overla nd transport from transport by cano es,
given the data at hand.
Future work should ll gaps in the known distribution o f
Pu'uwa'awa'a volcanic glass and de ne the limits of its dist ribution
on Hawai'i Island. In addition, more detailed technological analyses
are needed to dist inguish do wn-the-line exchange from direct
The aut hors th ank Mark D. McCoy, Tim Rieth, Marshall Weisler,
Patrick C. McCoy, Andy Howard, and an anonymous re viewer for
many useful comments on drafts of the paper. Mike Vitousek of the
Hawai'i Historic Preservation Division required the archaeological mon-
itoring that led to the discovery of Site 50101930173. Frank Trusdell,
USGS, spent considerable time and effort identifying the AD 18001801
lava ow. Fieldwork was supported by Hualālai Resort and especially its
staff members Jay Uyeda and Leina'ala Lightner. Any errors that remain
are the responsibility of the authors.
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Please cite this article as: Putzi, J.L., et al., Alternative models of volcanic glass quarrying a nd exchange in Hawai'i, Journal of Archaeological
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