Kahn & Dye – A Note on Hawaiian Stone Axes
exist independently of space and time. Our work follows
other Polynesian scholarship, such as Allen’s (1996) analy-
sis of Cook Island fishhooks, that distinguishes style from
function and classes from groups in an effort to elucidate
cultural patterns. Differentiating the class of double-bev-
eled axes from the class of single-beveled adzes is the first
step toward unlocking the history of the rare and unusual
Polynesian stone axe.
We would like to thank Betty Kam and her assistants in the
Bishop Museum Cultural Resources Division for provid-
ing access to the ethnographic collections. Several Archae-
ology Collection Managers at Bishop Museum likewise
facilitated our research by providing access to the Hawai-
ian archaeological collections. Two anonymous reviewers
and Ethan Cochrane provided perceptive comments on a
dra of the paper. Any errors of fact or interpretation are
the authors’.
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