rchaeologists are rightly interested in the
historical trend toward inequality in the
social relations instituted by ancient soci-
eties. The subject is inherently complex. People are
intensely interested in others; they use considerable
ingenuity and persistence to negotiate relationships
that are pleasing and favorable. Ethnographers and
historians, who have more or less direct access to
the actions and thoughts of individuals, might cap-
ture the full range of this complexity. Archaeolo-
gists lack this direct access but have the potential
advantage of tracking change over time spans inac-
cessible to either the ethnographer or the historian.
Tapping this potential poses a fundamental prob-
lem for the archaeologist: how can the refractory
materials yielded by archaeological excavation be
associated with changing social relations?
One requirement is a theory or model of social
relations that reduces the complexity of the social
situation in an analytically useful way. In the
Pacific, and especially Polynesia, these models
have developed in the context of a strong compar-
ativist tradition that has two broad trends. One
model with foundations in functionalism and neo-
evolutionism (Fried 1967; Service 1962) had an
early expression in Polynesia and the Pacific
(Sahlins 1958, 1963), and has spawned a large and
interesting archaeological literature (Earle,
ed. 1991; Earle 1997; Hommon 1986; Kirch 1984,
1990). The other model, which developed in the
more diffuse traditions of structuralism and Marx-
ism, was introduced somewhat later (Fried-
man 1981; Goldman 1970) and has developed
mostly outside of archaeology (Biersack 1991;
Hage and Harary 1983, 1991, 1996; Hooper and
Huntsman 1985; Kirch and Sahlins 1992;
Sahlins 1981, 1985; Valeri 1985b).
In the Pacific, studies espousing of both mod-
els typically take their analytic units from emic cat-
egories that are well- described in a rich
Thomas S. Dye
A bottom- up approach based in structuralism and Marxism cast in the “old language of rightsis used to explain tradi-
tional Hawaiian import of metric tons of poor- quality oven stone to the Waimanalo Plain, and to explain decline in the tra-
ditional use of tree firewood. The presence of poor- quality oven stones and the pattern of tree firewood use are linked to a
long- term decline in the importance of rights of person and a concomitant increase of rights of property associated with
the demise of lineage organization and the development of social stratification. It is argued that a bottom- up approach is
more productive in the current archaeological situation than a top- down approach based in functionalism and neoevolu-
tionary theory.
Algunos sitios arqueológicos del llano de Waimanalo, Isla de Oahu de las Islas Hawaianas, contienen toneladas métricas de
piedra de cocinar de mala calidad, toda importada desde afuera. Un enfoque basado en estructuralismo y en Marxismo es
utilizado para explicar estos datos. Es decir que es un caso social de “abajo hasta arriba” fundida en la “vieja lengua de
derechos” y que sirve para promover una hipótesis que resulta en el descubrimiento de la disminución en el uso tradicional
de leña. La presencia de piedra de cocinar de mala calidad y la trayectoria del uso de leña son vinculadas a una disminución
de largo plazo de la importancia de los derechos de la persona y un aumento de los derechos de propiedad asociado con la
desaparición del poder de linaje y el desarrollo de la estratificación social. La propuesta es que un enfoque de estructural-
ismo es más productivo para explicar la situación arqueológica que un enfoque de “arriba hasta abajo” basado en funcionalismo
y la teoría de neo- evolución.
Thomas S. Dye T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, 735 Bishop St., Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813 (tsd@tsdye.com)
American Antiquity 75(4), 2010, pp. 727–741
Copyright ©2010 by the Society for American Archaeology
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ethnographic literature. For Hawai‘i this involves
a distinction between ali‘i, the leaders of traditional
Hawaiian society, and maka‘a¯inana, their follow-
rs. The structuralist and Marxist studies differ from
functionalist and neo- evolutionist studies in other
respects: (1) emphasis on the relations between cat-
egories rather than on the categories themselves;
(2) conceptualization of change as transformative
rather than stadial; (3) belief that change is inher-
ent to the social situation rather than a result of some
outside stimulus; and (4) development of theory
that is specific and local rather than abstract and
universal. In Hawai‘i, as elsewhere (Robb 2005),
functionalist, neo- evolutionist studies— with their
local focus on the progressive transition from chief-
dom to state and increasing degrees of power and
control exercised by novel institutional
arrangements— direct inquiry to the top of the
social structure. This results in what has been called
a top- down view (Gilman 1998). In contrast,
approaches with roots in structuralism and Marx-
ism, which appear in archaeology under a variety
of guises (e.g., Dobres and Robb 2000; Miller
et al. 1989), can view the problem from either end
of the social relation, but are often implemented
from the bottom up. Clearly, views from the top
and bottom are needed to comprehend the full com-
plexity of social relations. In the archaeological lit-
erature, preference for one over the other is often
based on politics or a particular social theory; the
concern with archaeological practice is how it
might change to suit the theory. The argument
advanced here attempts to isolate qualities of the-
ory that suit archaeological practice. It is concluded
that the bottom- up view helps formulate archaeo-
logically useful hypotheses in ways the top- down
view cannot.
This paper investigates a transformation of tra-
ditional Hawaiian society first theorized by Hom-
mon (1976), in which functions of corporate
kinship groups of a type found throughout Poly-
nesia were replaced by managers appointed by
and/or related to powerful ali‘i. The analysis here,
following structuralist and Marxist practice, iso-
lates a particular subset of social relationsin this
case, the nature of rights used to structure access
to productive resources— and elaborates with an
economic model the ways in which changes in this
set of relations altered patterns of behavior. The
approach is from the bottom up; its focus is on the
quotidian tasks performed by maka‘a¯inana, whose
material remains dominate the archaeological
record of Hawai‘i. This approach was developed
o explain a particular characteristic of the local
archaeological record that initially seemed to indi-
cate irrational behavior: the import of metric tons
of poor- quality cooking stones to traditional Hawai-
ian sites on the southeastern coast of O‘ahu Island.
Statement of the Problem
Archaeological excavations for cultural resources
management at traditional Hawaiian sites on the
coastal plain of Waima¯nalo on the windward side
of O‘ahu Island have yielded surprisingly large
quantities of poor- quality cooking stones (Fig-
ure 1). Most of the sites on the plain date to the sev-
enteenth and eighteenth centuries (Dye 2000),
although site 4852 near the mouth of Puha¯ Stream,
which is not known to have poor- quality cooking
stones, dates as early as the tenth century (Tuggle
and Spriggs 2001). Archaeological deposits on the
plain are relatively thick and rich near the shore,
indicating considerable effort was spent cooking
and eating marine invertebrates collected from shal-
low nearshore waters and fish caught with hooks
and presumably nets. Away from the shore the
deposit is characterized by isolated fire pits used
primarily for cooking fish and shellfish, around
which a light scatter of cultural material can be
recovered from the surface of the paleosol. None
of the sites reflect year- round habitation; it is likely
that all or most of the people using the Waima¯nalo
Plain kept residences farther inland, near their gar-
dens (Tuggle 1997).
Although ornaments from an undated burial of
a young woman near the mouth of Puha¯ stream
have been identified as high- status items (Pearson
et al. 1971), the plain lacks the walls and other
architectural features typically used in traditional
Hawai‘i to separate the sacred space of ali‘i from
the secular space of maka‘a¯inana. The archaeo-
logical deposits yield materials associated with
maka‘a¯inana activities and it is reasonable to infer
that the poor- quality cooking stones were brought
to the plain and used there by makaa¯inana.
Although the task of engendering Hawaiian archae-
ology has just begun (Van Gilder 2001), the activ-
ities represented in the deposits reflect fishing that
was usually carried out by men, shellfishing prac-
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Figure 1. Traditional Hawaiian archaeological sites on the coastal plain of Waima¯nalo. Site boundaries reflect grading
for construction of a military facility in the twentieth century as much as they do patterns of traditional Hawaiian use,
which were likely more nearly continuous than the site map indicates. Site numbers from the Hawai‘i Inventory of
Historic Places were assigned by Tuggle (1997). Map prepared by Eric Komori.
AQ75(4) Dye_Layout 1 12/9/10 4:07 PM Page 729
ticed primarily by women and children, and casual
cooking, which might have been done by either
men or women.
irst identified by Michael Desilets in the late
1990s (Desilets and Dye 2002), the poor- quality
volcanic cooking stones are definite imports to the
Waima¯nalo coastal plain, which is composed of cal-
careous sands laid down since the sea retreated
from its mid- Holocene +1.8 m high stand (Fletcher
and Jones 1996). The stones are found in associa-
tion with traditional Hawaiian fire pits and earth
ovens used to cook fish, shellfish, and, in rare
instances, pig. Some of them exhibit the discol-
oration and spall fractures associated with thermal
alteration. All of the stones can be distinguished
from the fine- grained, homogeneous rock that was
used to make tools and which is found in small
quantities in sites on the Waima¯nalo coastal plain.
They all lack the vesicles characteristic of good
cooking stones, and their broken condition attests
to the fact that they performed poorly in the oven,
breaking into pieces in the heat.
Cooking stones are extremely common in
archaeological sites on the plain. Excavation of
154 m
at site 4853 yielded an estimate that the site
as a whole contains 500,090–679,830 kg (Desilets
and Dye 2002). Based on a
C- derived occupation
period of 200 years, this works out to 7–10 kg
imported daily. A similar pattern is found at site
4856, where excavation of 15.5 m
yielded 655 kg
of poor- quality cooking stones (McElroy
et al. 2006).
The large quantity of poor- quality cooking stone
is surprising because an alternative stone requiring
less effort was available; earth ovens stocked with
a small quantity of high- quality cooking stones are
used for years elsewhere in Polynesia. Indeed, this
is the practice today in Waima¯nalo and elsewhere
in Hawai‘i where the earth oven is still used to
ka¯lua, or bake, meats such as pork or turkey. Poor-
quality cooking stones could be gathered from the
Keolu Hills immediately inland of the Waima¯nalo
plain (only a few hundred meters from the sites),
while high- quality stones were found somewhat
farther away, in the lower reaches of Puha¯ Stream
before it enters the sandy plain, where they are col-
lected today by the people of Waima¯nalo (Figure
1). Still, the extra effort required to import more
than 500-metric tons of poor- quality cooking stone
raises the question of why it was done. One possi-
ble answer is rooted in the maka‘a¯inana transfor-
mation of traditional Hawaiian society in which
access rights were fundamentally altered.
Theoretical Background
Marshall Sahlins work with Dorothy Barrère on
mid- nineteenth- century Hawaiian land records
revealed that traditional Hawaiian social relations
governing maka‘a¯inana access to resources were
unique in Polynesia, in which the difference was
of kind rather than degree. In Sahlins’(1992) words:
Everything looks as if Hawaiian society had
been through a history in which the concepts
of lineage— of a classic Polynesian sort, orga-
nizing the relations of persons and tenure of
land by seniority of descenthad latterly been
eroded by the development of chiefship.
Intruding on the land and people from outside,
like a foreign element, the chiefship usurps the
collective rights of land control and in the
process reduces the lineage order in scale,
function, and coherence [Sahlins 1992:192].
The questions of when and how the transfor-
mation occurred have been taken up by archaeol-
ogists, all of whom either advocate (Cordy 2004)
or implement a top- down approach (e.g., Hom-
mon 1976, 1986; Earle 1997, 1998) . Implementa-
tions of the top- down approach first identify in the
ethnographic or historical record an element of ali‘i
control with a material expression that persists in
the archaeological record. The development and
elaboration of this material element, revealed
through archaeological investigation, is then used
as an index of the development and elaboration of
ali‘i control. In Hommon’s (1976, 1986) case, the
material element was the traditional ahupua‘a land
division administered by contact- era ali‘i as a tax
unit. The formation of this unit, Hommon (1976,
1986) argued, is visible in the archaeological record
as the establishment of inland settlement through-
out the islands by the early fifteenth century. In
Earle’s (1997, 1998) case, this material element
was the agricultural facility, in particular the irri-
gated taro pondfields that were the most produc-
tive components of the traditional Hawaiian
agricultural system, the use rights to which ali‘i
controlled in the contact- era. In Earle’s (1997,
1998) view, ali‘i control over these and similar
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facilities was in place by the fifteenth century, after
which their rapid expansion was a means to “insti-
tutionalize the financial structure of the new chief-
oms” (Earle 1997:86).
The top- down approach applied in this way to
archaeological materials is limited in its ability to
investigate changes in social relations. Its focus on
alii ignores makaa¯ inana agency; however,
maka‘a¯inana agency must be acknowledged to
establish the indexical relationship between the
material element and ali‘i control. What mecha-
nism does the top- down approach rely on to guar-
antee that social relations developed in tandem with
the material indicators of ali‘i power? The inland
settlement that Hommon (1976, 1986) proposed as
the archaeological definition of the ahupua‘a tax
unit, and the agricultural facilities that are the focus
of Earle’s (1997, 1998) analysis could both have
originated and developed within the social context
of lineages of the classic Polynesian sort; only later,
after social relations had begun to change and ali‘i
exercised more control, these settlements were
managed as a tax unit or had their use rights wrested
from local control. The best that can be expected
from the top- down approach applied in this way
are termini ante quem for the maka‘a¯inana trans-
formation. These are useful data, but lacking a the-
oretical connection, they fall short of directly
investigating transformational processes at work
in traditional Hawai‘i.
Hommon (1976, 1986), Earle (1997, 1998), and
Cordy (2004) all recognize this limitation of the
approach and each turn to oral traditions to bolster
their revised accounts. The oral traditions that were
collected in the nineteenth century come to us
through the filter of the Kamehameha dynasty,
which was ascendant at the time of Captain Cook’s
visit in 1778 and, under the leadership of Kame-
hameha I, established hegemony soon after with the
aid of firearms, large ships, and western military
advisers (Cordy 2000; Fornander 19161919;
Hommon 1976; Kamakau 1992; Kolb 1994; Kuyk-
endall 1968; Sahlins 1992). An important tradition,
brilliantly analyzed by Valeri (1985a), concerns an
ali‘i named ‘Umi who lived nine generations before
Kamehameha, a time dated genealogically to the
mid to late sixteenth century (Hommon 1976:124).
‘Umi is credited with forcefully re- uniting the
rebellious chiefdoms of Hawai‘i Island and with
being the first ali‘i to redistribute conquered lands,
a practice consistent with the contact- era situation,
by which time ali‘i had usurped the collective rights
of land control. Taken at face value, the tradition
ndicates that the maka‘a¯inana transformation was
completed by the time of ‘Umi. The problem with
this use of tradition is the possibility that practices
common in the Kamehameha era were, consciously
or unconsciously, projected on a distant past that
lacked them. To a certain extent, this is a natural
process in the oral transmission of information,
where categories of the past are interpreted with
modern definitions (Goody and Watt 1963), but a
propagandist use of tradition is documented for
many societies and has been practiced at least since
classical Antiquity (Flower 2002; Hobsbawn and
Ranger 1983; Rawson 1969). It would be a mis-
take to think that Hawaiian tradition was somehow
immune to natural processes of semantic change
or that it was not interpreted by ali‘i and their agents
to legitimize contemporary social relations. The
traditions are a valuable source of information
about old Hawai‘i, but as a chronological basis for
the study of social relations they should be used
with caution. Fortunately, difficulties linking top-
down theory with archaeological materials are not
shared by a bottom- up approach.
Theory from the Bottom Up
A central question in a bottom- up view of the
maka‘a¯inana transformation is how access to
resources changed with the erosion of lineage func-
tions by the development of ali‘i power. One
approach to this question is through comparative
ethnography, an analytic method that has been fruit-
fully applied to Polynesian history (e.g., Kirch and
Green 2001). Ideally, descriptions of how access
to resources was structured in Hawai‘i and several
other Polynesian societies would yield a list of fea-
tures unique to Hawai‘i, which likely developed
locally. Unfortunately, Polynesian ethnographers
paid relatively little attention to the admittedly com-
plex relations governing access to resources (Cro-
combe 1974). The only firsthand, detailed
description of how a functioning Polynesian soci-
ety structured access to resources is from Tikopia,
a small island at the other end of Polynesia from
Hawai‘i (Firth 1965). This description can be sup-
plemented with reconstructions of extinct social
relations in the Society Islands (Oliver 1989;
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Panoff 1971;) and the Marquesas (Thomas 1990)—
the original homelands of the Hawaiian people
(Emory 1959; Kirch 1985; Sinoto 1970)and New
ealand (Firth 1972). General propositions about
access to resources in these societies where lineages
structured access to resources can be contrasted
with the situation in Hawai‘i to formulate proposi-
tions about changes in the behavior of maka‘a¯inana
on the Waima¯nalo Plain during the transformation
Throughout Polynesia, outside contact- era
Hawai‘i lineages established rights of prior pos-
session to particular resources, which were use
rights assigned to group members that allowed
them uncompromised access to improved and
unimproved land, trees, and the sea. The members
managed a variety of rights with respect to these
resources, including rights of direct use, indirect
gain, control, transfer, identification, and rever-
sionary interest (Crocombe 1974). Importantly,
rights held by lineage members were rights of per-
son, rather than rights of property (Bell 1998:34 ff.).
A right of property is a claim that others can be
excluded from the use or enjoyment of some thing;
a right of person is a claim that one cannot be
excluded from such a use or enjoyment (Macpher-
son 1985:77). Typically, a right of person cannot
be alienated by the person who holds it. Such rights
are revoked only under extraordinary circum-
stances. In Polynesia, rights of person were trans-
mitted to heirs, a process that gave the lineage
continuity on the land.
Characteristics of the Waima¯nalo Plain— the
low productivity and undependability of its coral
soils for traditional Hawaiian agriculture and the
slim possibilities the soils hold for improvement or
intensification— have been proposed as universal
indicators of lands likely to have been held in com-
mon (Netting 1976:144). This view of the plain as
former common land is supported by the fact that
when fee simple title was instituted in the mid nine-
teenth century, a process known in Hawai‘i as the
Ma¯hele, most of the plain went unclaimed and the
few small claims that were made were located along
the banks of Puha¯ Stream (Tuggle 1997). From an
economic point of view (Ostrom 2000),
makaa¯inana before the transformation would have
enjoyed rights of person in the commons, includ-
ing: (1) rights of access to the land and its resources;
(2) rights of withdrawal of resources for use and
enjoyment; (3) rights of management to transform
the resource by making improvements; and
(4) rights of exclusion to participate in the deter-
ination of who else would share access and with-
drawal rights. In a property rights regime,
economists call individuals with this bundle of
rights proprietors (Ostrom 2000), although this
designation inverts the true relation that lineage
members had with the land. In the context of rights
of person, they made members of the lineage peo-
ple who belonged to a place (Peters 1998:360).
The traditional Hawaiian tenure system has been
discussed extensively (Cannelora 1974; Chi-
nen 1958; Dole 1892; Earle 1978; Hommon 1976;
Kame‘eleihiwa 1992; Kelly 1956; Sahlins 1992)
and there is widespread agreement on its basic ele-
ments: (1) the Hawaiian tenure system was a prop-
erty rights regime; (2) rights held by maka‘a¯inana
were revocable at the pleasure of ali‘i and their
agents; (3) rights of access to, withdrawal from, and
management of house lots and garden lands were
granted to individuals by ali‘i or their agents
maka‘a¯inana were claimants (Ostrom 2000) of
these lands; and (4) rights held by maka‘a¯inana to
other lands in the ali‘is domain were limited to
access and a few forms of withdrawal
(Hawaii 1994)— maka‘a¯inana were authorized
users of these lands (Ostrom 2000).
Viewed from the bottom up, the maka‘a¯inana
transformation meant that people whose ancestors
once exercised an inalienable right to access, with-
draw, and manage the resources of the Waima¯nalo
Plain, and within the context of the lineage, to
decide how and where others could do so, found
themselves with rights of access and with limited
rights of withdrawal that could be revoked by an
ali‘i at any time. Their ancestors had been people
who belonged to the Waima¯nalo Plain. After the
transformation, maka‘a¯inana needed authorization
from someone unrelated to them to use former lin-
eage lands, and claims they might make to intrin-
sic rights could be contested.
An Explanation and Elaboration
Changes in maka‘a¯inana status during the trans-
formation affected their activities on the former
common lands of the Waima¯nalo Plain, as predicted
by economic theory. Private property proponents
have long argued that investment in land requires
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that users with rights of property possess a full bun-
dle of rights— access, withdrawal, management,
exclusion, and alienation— and that they be own-
ers in the fullest sense. Economists have discov-
ered that, under certain circumstances, the full
bundle of rights is not needed to spur investment.
Proprietors, who lack the right of alienation that
would make them owners, often make similar lev-
els of improvements to their lands (Ostrom 2000).
Beyond this, however, there is a threshold where
investment slows or stops. When users lack the
security of tenure required to expect a reasonable
return, they curtail their investments.
Given the insecurity of tenure afforded autho-
rized users in a property rights regime, it is rea-
sonable to hypothesize that maka‘a¯inana did not
invest the time and effort needed to bring high-
quality cooking stones to the Waima¯nalo Plain after
the transformation. Lacking rights of management
and exclusion now claimed by ali‘i, maka‘a¯inana
could not expect that an oven’s worth of high-
quality cooking stones would be found where they
had been left. The shift from rights of person to
rights of property that defines the maka‘a¯inana
transformation meant that the institutional frame-
work of the lineage that would identify and sanc-
tion a thief was no longer at the disposal of
makaa¯inana. With little expectation that high qual-
ity cooking stones could be used a second time,
maka‘a¯inana instead hauled down poor- quality
stones from nearby hills to serve the task immedi-
ately at hand. This practice, repeated over and over,
is responsible for the metric tons of poor- quality
cooking stones recovered from archaeological sites.
Because the poor- quality cooking stones are
associated with cooking pits and earth ovens, it is
possible to date with confidence when they were
brought to the plain. Twenty- three features associ-
ated with poor- quality cooking stones have been
dated with wood charcoal selected to minimize the
effects of in- built age. Twelve of these radiocarbon -
dates— Beta-120317 through Beta-120328—from
site 4853 have been reported elsewhere (Dye 2000).
The other eleven radiocarbon dates from site 4856
are reported here (Table 1). The radiocarbon age
determinations were calibrated using Bayesian
methods (Buck et al. 1999). A single phase model
was developed in which the age determinations
were assumed to be a random sample from a uni-
form distribution. The calibration estimated phase
boundaries; the early boundary represents an esti-
mate of the onset of poor- quality cooking stones
on the plain. The 95.4 percent highest posterior
density region for the early phase boundary is A.D.
1414–1611. There is a 93 percent probability that
the poor- quality cooking stones were being trans-
ported to the plain before the seventeenth century.
Behavior theoretically consistent with post-
transformation social relations was thus almost cer-
tainly in evidence on the Waima¯nalo Plain in the
late sixteenth century.
The model yielded by this analysis posits an
early period when the lineage structured access to
the resources of the Waima¯nalo Plain. During this
period, cooking was done in a few fire pits and earth
ovens that used high- quality cooking stones over
long periods of time in a behavioral pattern typi-
cally followed elsewhere in Polynesia and in
Hawai‘i today. Sometime before A.D. 1611,
maka‘a¯inana found that they could no longer keep
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Table 1. Radiocarbon Ages of Fire Pit Features from Site 4856.
Laboratory Fire pit Material
Chenopodium oahuense wood charcoal -26.6 140 ± 40
Sida cf. fallax wood charcoal -24.9 90 ± 40
Aleurites moluccana nutshell -25.7 140 ± 40
Feature 4 Sida cf. fallax wood charcoal -25.4 380 ± 40
Feature 5 Chenopodium oahuense wood charcoal -24.5 260 ± 40
Feature 9 Aleurites moluccana nutshell charcoal -24.9 350 ± 40
Feature 10 Sida cf. fallax wood charcoal -24 250 ± 40
Feature 12 Sida cf. fallax wood charcoal -24.4 200 ± 40
Feature 17 Chenopodium oahuense wood charcoal -21.9 240 ± 40
Feature 22 Cordyline fruticosa wood charcoal -22.6 450 ± 40
Feature 23 Aleurites moluccana nutshell charcoal -25.6 390 ± 40
C age (Stuiver and Polach 1977).
McElroy, Dye, and Jourdane (2006).
Lebo, Dye, and Dye (2009).
AQ75(4) Dye_Layout 1 12/9/10 4:07 PM Page 733
their high- quality cooking stones from being stolen.
They grew tired of selecting and transporting high-
quality cooking stones to the plain and instead gath-
red low- quality cooking stones from the closest
source, hauling down new stones each time they
anticipated cooking on the plain.
To date, there are no archaeological data to sup-
port the posited early period, but there are plausi-
ble reasons why this might be so. Excavations of
early period deposits were carried out in the 1960s
and 1970s, before poor- quality cooking stones were
identified in the 1990s. Excavators could not have
known that it would later become important to char-
acterize cooking stones, which were typically not
collected at that time. Also, the model posits the
import of relatively few high- quality cooking
stones; they would be rare finds in any case. Nev-
ertheless, the lack of demonstrated change leaves
the model open to criticism based on equifinality
of the archaeological record. Equally plausible
alternative hypotheses might readily be imagined.
Clearly, the model would be strengthened by a
record of change ostensibly related to the
maka‘a¯inana transformation.
One place to look for change is suggested by
laws of the Hawaiian kingdom, which document
negotiations between ali‘i and maka‘a¯inana over
access to firewood. The so- called Kuleana Act of
1850, which offered maka‘a¯inana fee simple title
to residential and garden lands, recognized that
maka‘a¯inana depended upon customary access to
undeveloped lands for their livelihood and sought
to preserve access for those who left customary
tenures for fee simple titles. This provision of the
Act, which survives in modern law as Hawaii
Revised Statutes 7–1, provides in part that “where
the landlords have obtained, or may hereafter
obtain, allodial titles to their lands, the people on
each of their lands shall not be deprived of the right
to take firewood, house- timber, aho cord, thatch,
or ¯ leaf, from the land on which they live (Hawaii
1993:276).The Act’s concern with preserving
maka‘a¯inana access to firewood was not new; it
was one subject of laws enacted by King
Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III a decade earlier
within the context of the customary tenure system.
These laws intended to restrain the exercise of prop-
erty rights by agents of ali‘i and to protect cus-
tomary makaa¯ inana gathering rights. On
November 9, 1840, the King signed a law that
(1) limited the timber that could be made kapu to
one kind; (2) kept the sandalwood and “all large
trees such as one man cannot clasp (Hawaii
994:35)” for the King; and (3) prohibited the kin-
dling of fires to “burn up all the verdure of the
mountain (Hawaii 1994:35).This law was only
partially effective and a clarification signed by the
King six months later prohibited ali‘i or their agents
from making kapu any article except timber
(Hawaii 1994:54),including (1) “those things
which are lying on the top of the ground (Hawaii
1994:54)”—an apparent reference to deadwood,
(2) “the fruit of the trees (Hawaii 1994:54),
(3)roots growing in the ground (Hawaii
1994:54),” and (4) “the o¯‘hi‘a lehua [a tree, Met-
rosideros polymorpha] which one man can clasp
(Hawaii 1994:54).
Analysis indicates that there is archaeological
evidence of negotiations like these in the detailed
record of the wood charcoal from traditional
Hawaiian fire pits on the plain (Murakami 1997,
1998, 2002, 2009). Charcoal has been identified
from 26 fire pits; these include the fire pits with
poor- quality cooking stones discussed above and
fire pits where the cooking stone quality was not
reported. Identified charcoal included wood, roots,
stems, nutshells, nut kernels, bark, twigs,
parenchyma, and bits of tubers (Table 2). Of these,
the woods, nutshells, and rind of a gourd were iden-
tifiable to one of 21 native plants, five Polynesian
introductions, and one wood, Pinus sp., alien to
Hawai‘i but often present as driftwood on Hawai-
ian beaches, including the beach fronting the
Waima¯nalo Plain (Strong and Skolmen 1963).
The identified plants were mostly trees, but
included six different shrubs, five shrub- trees that
varied in habit between large shrubs and small trees,
as well as pieces identified as fern, vine, and grass.
The weights of charcoal pieces identified as trees,
shrubs, shrub- trees, nutshells of the tree Aleurites
moluccana, and a residual “other” category that
contained ferns, vines, grasses and charcoal that
could not be identified sufficiently to determine
habit were presented for each of the fire pits in
Table 3, which also gives the conventional radio-
carbon age of charcoal of a short- lived taxon col-
lected from the fire pit. Most of these
radiocarbon ages are reported in Dye (2000); the
eight radiocarbon ages not reported there are pre-
sented in Table 3.
 $#$
AQ75(4) Dye_Layout 1 12/9/10 4:07 PM Page 734
These data support the determination (Mosteller
and Tukey 1977:21) that the contribution of tree
wood to the fires built on the Waima¯nalo Plain
declined over time (Figure 2). The data appear to
reflect a behavioral change in fire- making. Fires
made solely with shrubs have a long history on the
Waima¯nalo Plain; examples span the entire period.
In contrast, fire pits with large proportions of tree
wood charcoal become increasingly rare over time
and the proportion of tree wood charcoal in these
pits declines. This pattern appears to reflect several
centuries of negotiation over access to firewood
leading up to the laws of the early Hawaiian King-
Traditional Hawaiian archaeological sites on the
Waima¯nalo Plain yield two lines of evidence asso-
ciated with the maka‘a¯inana transformation. The
presence of large quantities of poor- quality cook-
ing stones by A.D. 1414–1611 is hypothesized as
%"! &
Table 2. Taxa Identified in Fire Pit Charcoal.
Family Taxon Hawaiian Origin Habit Part
Monocotyledoneae root
Monocotyledoneae stem
Pteridophyta fern stem
Agavaceae Cordyline fruticosa ¯ Poly. intro.* shrub root
Agavaceae Cordyline fruticosa ¯ Poly. intro. shrub wood
Amaranthaceae Nototrichium sp. kulu‘ı¯ native shrub- tree wood
Apocynaceae Rauvolfia sandwicensis hao native tree wood
Arecaceae Cocos nucifera niu Poly. intro. tree nutshell
Arecaceae Palm sp. tree wood
Asteraceae Bidens sp. ko‘oko‘olau native shrub wood
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium oahuense ‘a¯heahea native shrub- tree wood
Cucurbitaceae Lagenaria siceraria ipu Poly. intro. vine rind
Ebenaceae Diospyros sandwicensis lama native tree wood
Euphorbiaceae Aleurites moluccana kukui Poly. intro. tree nutshell
Euphorbiaceae Aleurites moluccana kukui Poly. intro. tree cf. kernel
Euphorbiaceae Aleurites moluccana kukui Poly. intro. tree wood
Fabaceae Acacia koa koa native tree wood
Malvaceae Abutilon sp. ma‘o native shrub wood
Malvaceae Hibiscus sp. aloalo native shrub wood
Malvaceae Gossypium tomentosum ma‘o native shrub wood
Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus hau native shrub- tree wood
Moraceae Artocarpus altilis ‘ulu Poly. intro. tree wood
Myrsinaceae Myrsine sp. ko¯lea native tree wood
Myrtaceae Metrosideros polymorpha ‘o¯hi‘a lehua native tree wood
Oleaceae Nestegis sandwicensis olopua native tree wood
Pinaceae Pinus sp. alien tree wood
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum sp. ho¯‘awa native tree wood
Poaceae Poaceae grass stem
Rhamnaceae Colubrina oppositifolia kauila native tree wood
Rosaceae Osteomeles anthyllidifolia ‘u¯lei native shrub wood
Rubiaceae Bobea sp. ‘ahakea native tree wood
Rubiaceae Canthium odoratum alahe‘e native shrub- tree wood
Sapindaceae Dodonaea viscosa ‘a‘ali‘i native shrub- tree wood
Scrophulariaceae Myoporum sandwicense naio native tree wood
Solonaceae Nothocestrum latifolium ‘aiea native tree wood
unidentified bark
unidentified twig
unidentified stem/root
unidentified parenchyma
unidentified tuber
unidentified wood
Polynesian introduction.
AQ75(4) Dye_Layout 1 12/9/10 4:07 PM Page 735
a rational economic response by maka‘a¯inana to a
loss of management and exclusion rights on lands
of the Waima¯nalo Plain after lineage functions were
usurped by ali‘i property right claims. The decline
in tree wood charcoal in fire pits is hypothesized
as the result of negotiation between alii and
maka‘a¯inana over rights to withdraw firewood
from formerly common lands. Where the poor-
quality cooking stones evidence the outcome of a
process associated with the maka‘a¯inana transfor-
mation, the decline of tree wood charcoal estab-
lishes a pattern of change that tracks one aspect of
that transformation. The two lines of evidence sup-
port and corroborate one another. Theorized in the
context of an economic model of changing local
social relations, this is Polanyi, Arensberg, and
Pearson’s (1957) approach to analysis of the non-
market economy as “instituted process. The
process makes sense because it is situated within
its historically specific institutional framework of
access rights to productive resources and not
because it is a putatively general characteristic of
society at a particular stage of development.
The persistent problem of equifinality in the
archaeological record means that alternative
hypotheses can be proposed for the presence of
poor- quality cooking stones and for the decline in
tree wood charcoal. If the poor- quality stone was
 $#$
Table 3. Charcoal Identifications by Weight (g).
Fire pit Beta- CRA* Tree Shrub S/T† Nut‡ Other Total
Site 50–80–11–4856
Feature 4
246786 380 ± 40 .03 1.09 .03 2.32 .14 3.64
Feature 5
251245 260 ± 40 .01 .63 .33 .17 .02 1.17
Feature 9
251243 350 ± 40 .18 .11 1.67 .04 2.00
Feature 10
251244 250 ± 40 .01 1.03 .10 .15 1.30
Feature 12
251242 200 ± 40 5.13 5.13
Feature 17
251246 240 ± 40 .01 .09 .06 .14 .09 .39
Feature 22
251247 450 ± 40 2.04 .76 .16 2.96
Feature 23
251248 390 ± 40 .54 .28 .36 1.18
Site 50–80–15–4851
Trench 4, Feature 2
111024 140 ± 60 1.43 1.07 .36 .04 1.08 6.27
Trench 4, Feature 3
111023 310 ± 40 .34 .07 1.35 .16 2.97
Site 50–80–15–4853
Feature 1
120317 140 ± 50 .53 .25 .03 3.19 4.10
Feature 5
120318 150 ± 50 .50 .21 .38 .46 2.52 4.07
Feature 9
120319 350 ± 80 7.79 2.20 2.35 .20 3.35 15.89
Feature 13
120320 230 ± 50 9.13 2.82 4.06 20.72 6.76 43.55
Feature 15
120321 110 ± 70 1.32 1.27 1.00 5.34 2.17 11.10
Feature 16
120322 310 ± 60 17.24 .50 7.86 3.32 3.59 32.51
Feature 17
120323 170 ± 60 .55 .07 .64 1.64 .27 3.17
Feature 18
120324 250 ± 50 .44 .04 93.23 .14 93.85
Feature 19
120325 270 ± 70 2.34 .24 2.33 5.45 2.24 12.60
Feature 20
120326 330 ± 60 3.58 3.21 4.98 2.60 2.91 17.28
Feature 24
120327 400 ± 70 1.91 .08 3.99 .24 6.22
Feature 25
120328 220 ± 50 1.12 .61 1.36 .07 3.16
Trench 5, Feature 1
111022 150 ± 40 5.29 7.63 4.57 .16 .99 22.23
Unit BT-23, Feature 10
** 101872 680 ± 40 4.31 .26 4.57
Unit BT-23, Feature 9
** 101871 720 ± 40 .67 .02 .69
Unit BT-5, Feature 6
** 101869 230 ± 60 .15 .02 .07 .05 .29
C age (Stuiver and Polach 1977).
Shrub- tree.
Aleurites moluccana nutshell.
Dye (2000).
Dye (1998).
Desilets and Dye (2002).
**Addison (1997).
Lebo et al. (2009).
See table 1.
AQ75(4) Dye_Layout 1 12/9/10 4:07 PM Page 736
the only kind brought to the plain in traditional
Hawaiian times, then it might have had certain
functional advantages that: (1) are not recognized
today; (2) outweighed its obvious disadvantages;
and (3) might be determined experimentally
(e.g., Di Piazza 1998). Similarly, the decline of tree
wood in fires might plausibly be due to a decline
over time in the number of trees in the vicinity
(e.g., Kirch et al. 2003).
Alternative hypotheses such as these focus the
realm of inquiry outside traditional Hawaiian soci-
ety. They imply that people in general were
responding to objective physical conditions, such
as the behavior of certain rocks under high heat or
the composition of local vegetation, without regard
to social conditions. By placing the impetus for
behavior and change outside society, they ignore
agency. A solution to the problem of gathering
wood for a fire is no doubt dependent to some extent
on what materials are readily at hand. The long-
standing practice on the Waima¯nalo Plain of fuel-
ing some fires almost entirely with shrub wood
clearly shows the influence of local conditions that
are well- suited to the growth of shrubs. But even
if the plain were not a good source of tree wood for
fires, it was still, in a physical sense, within the
power of maka‘a¯inana to bring firewood to the
plain in the same way they imported metric tons of
poor- quality cooking stones. It is instructive to com-
pare the fuels used by makaa¯ inana on the
Waima¯nalo Plain with those used by ali‘i living in
a similar environment on windward Maui Island
(see Figure 1). Fire pits excavated at the ali‘i resi-
dence of Hale Ki‘i and the nearby war temple of
Pihana yielded, on average, 56 percent tree wood
charcoal (Kolb and Murakami 1994), about three
times more than was common in Waima¯nalo at the
time. Clearly, even if trees were in short supply in
the windward Maui lowlands, it was still possible
for ali‘i to withdraw firewood from forests; the
wood charcoal evidence suggests it was less and
less possible for maka‘a¯inana on the Waima¯nalo
Plain to exercise this right.
The bottom- up approach focuses on the quo-
tidian activities of maka‘a¯inana that were respon-
sible for creation of the vast majority of the
archaeological record of traditional Hawai‘i. The
poor- quality cooking stones and shrubs used to
build fires that cooked fish and shellfish caught and
collected by maka‘a¯inana men, women, and chil-
dren as part of their daily activities are keys to track-
ing the transformation of maka‘a¯inana rights. This
contrasts strongly with explanations formulated by
the top- down approach, which often take the form
of an origins narrative (Moore 1995) in which the
remote past is reconstructed in terms of later peri-
ods, for which thoughts and attitudes are recorded.
As an example, the fact that ali‘i in the early his-
toric period controlled access to agricultural facil-
ities means that the agricultural facilities
%"! &
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Conventional radiocarbon age
Proportion tree charcoal by weight
Figure 2. Proportion by weight of tree wood charcoal in fire pits of the Waima¯nalo Plain. The locally weighted regression
line was calculated by the lowess procedure (Cleveland 1985:167 ff.) with a smoothness parameter, f, set to its maximum
of 1.
AQ75(4) Dye_Layout 1 12/9/10 4:07 PM Page 737
themselves were “the structure of rights and oblig-
ations within the local community (Earle
1998:103). This analytic move conflates things
ith the rights held in them and stands in the way
of investigating a central problem of the
maka‘a¯inana transformation— how rights in pro-
ductive resources change over time. It also down-
plays the fact that correspondence between the built
landscape and ali‘i control was never perfect. Dur-
ing the mid- nineteenth- century Ma¯hele division of
lands, many maka‘a¯inana claims to facilities and
lands were denied precisely because ali‘i had not
authorized their construction or use. Even at a time
when the power of ali‘i and their western advisers
was near its zenith, rights to agricultural facilities
enjoyed by maka‘a¯inana varied from place to
place. The top- down approach falters in the for-
mulation of an archaeologically useful hypothesis
because the archaeologist cannot hope to distin-
guish between an agricultural field that was estab-
lished with the consent of an ali‘i from one that was
What emerges from the bottom- up approach is
a view of the maka‘a¯inana transformation as a
process in which rights were repeatedly negotiated,
not as abstract principles, but through activities that
reciprocally defined the agency of alii and
maka‘a¯inana. Losses on one front were made up,
if only partially, by gains on another. Like most
human affairs, the maka‘a¯inana transformation
must have been complex and often messy. Given
the evidence in early Hawaiian kingdom law for
negotiation between ali‘i and maka‘a¯inana over
access to firewood and the archaeological evidence
for a long decline in tree wood charcoal in fire pits
on the plain, it was a long process as well. The
bottom- up approach realizes archaeologys unique
contribution to an understanding of the historical
trend toward inequality in the social relations insti-
tuted by Hawaiian society by helping to reveal in
the archaeological record the messy complexity of
the maka‘a¯inana transformation in the fullness of
time over which it played out.
Acknowledgments. I want to thank Michael Desilets for stim-
ulating discussions a decade ago on management of common
lands at Waima¯nalo; Rob Hommon, Gail Murakami, Dave
Tuggle, Fraser Neiman, Jim Bayman, Bill Dickinson and
other colleagues too numerous to mention for comments on
one or more of the several earlier drafts; federal archaeolo-
gists Kanalei Shun, Valerie Curtis, and Jeff Pantaleo for pro-
moting most of the fieldwork; and Muffet Jourdane,
Kimberly Kalama, Windy McElroy, Laurent Sinoto, Ingrid
Carlson, Sharyn Jones, Roger Blankfein and the other field-
workers for excavating long hours in the hot sun at
Waima¯nalo. Dave Tuggle kindly translated the abstract into
Spanish. With the exception of Figure 1, this article was
written with open- source software. Translation to a propri-
etary format recommended by the journal was accomplished
with the late Eitan Gurari’s tex4ht software. Translation to a
newer version of the proprietary format in order to produce
the accented vowels in Hawaiian language terms introduced
numerous errors; I thank Dore Minatodani for her patience
and repair help. The author takes responsibility for any
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1. Hawai‘i Inventory of Historic Places site numbers are
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Submitted March 13, 2009; Revised July 11, 2009;
Accepted November 9, 2009.
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